After going way further than my original review (basically spent all my free time on this game for the past few days) I have a few more things to say and a few of my original opinions that need rectification
This game is much greater than I originally thought, genuinely expected it to be a dumb aha game but it's so much more.
The main character has what's most important for a main character : flaws. It's not his being stupid, it's his self doubt, living for others without thinking of himself, thinking he isn't worthy of being loved while chasing after that love.
He is portrayed as charismatic, confident, the kind of character to never overthink and just do what feels right, he is the light and the core of everything that is happening in the story, but it's never enough.
Things never go perfectly.
Each arc ends "well" but the sacrifice for said good ending gets bigger each time it's not some dumb "aha overpowered mc go brrr" him and the entire main cast all have to give up something at some point in order for them to keep walking their path.
It may seem really obvious when just said like this but it's something that is very important to keep a story rooted, keep it interesting and make it so the player really feels like everything happening has a meaning and is important to the story.
Even really popular shows and games often don't apply this, they may get away with it for multiple reasons, but it's always better to have it than not, at least in my opinion.
Anyways, I'm really trying to avoid spoiling anything here so here comes the closure on this short review :
This game is absolutely worth being played if you're more story oriented.
The sex scenes aren't bad, the first few are even voiced and it does kinda get you, but that's about all there is. I'd say in this game the scenes aren't there so you can do your usual arm workout but mostly to add to the story. Of course that doesn't apply to all of them, but I find that a lot do.
The story itself is pretty cool, I can't explain in detail since again, I'm trying not to spoil anything, but while it can seem a little "childish" (?) and idiotic at first, it picks up the pace and I haven't found myself skipping text out of boredom but only out of anxiousness and need for answers (always regretted it after a couple lines and went back regardless but still)
Sooo yeah, I think this game is worth playing, and unlike I originally thought, it definitely has its spot in the good or even great games available on Itch, it's not just "decent" like I originally thought, it was a pleasant surprise.