just keep going don't worry about it
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Hey, I took a little break but I'm here and I just finished chapter 51
Let me just, talk about the light stuff first, the french needs some corrections. It's my first language so if you'd like we could talk on discord a little and if you agree I can change the phrases to make it so they're gammatically correct while also sticking as close as possible to your original artistic view
Now for the actual content I might need some time to process some things, I did 50 and 51 together, lot of time paradoxes and things that I'll need to make sure I understood properly
I really want to avoid spoiling anyone who might come across this reply so I'll stay as vague as I can
This really felt like it turned everything upside down, in a good way of course. I had made some predictions as the story unfolded and while not all of them were wrong, it was nowhere near what was actually happening.
Which is amazing. The duality of characters finding out what they are, or what they *aren't*.
Discovering these as a player, not having a choice but just going forward hoping to get answers to the many new questions in my head, it created a feeling of heavyness much greater than anything this game had before. But it couldn't have happened without the story staying so consistent throughout all of these chapters, no matter how confusing they became.
It made no sense but it made so much sense at the same time, not claiming I understood everything of course I most likely missed stuff after all I just spend multiple hours reading this.
Caught myself going back a few lines, reading them again and again sometimes, making sure I at least had a proper, deliberate thought about them because it felt like if I didn't I would lose my understanding of what was happening.
The revelations kept coming in one after the other, it felt kind of like seeing a puzzle completing itself and trying to slow it down so you can observe *how*
A lot felt like it was just ideas coming back and being stuck together, I just needed to see more, the few (rare I have to admit, don't beat yourself up over this) typos that appeared didn't even register I just needed to go forward.
I have like 500go of visual novels downloaded from Itch (or found thanks to itch) on my computer and out of all of them, very few made me feel like this. I am glad I decided to download this game. I wish I had downloaded it before, but I also wish I hadn't found it until it was completely finished, so that I could get more and not get cut after the very emotional end of chapter that was given.
I went from thinking this was a slightly above average "discover your heritage and enjoy your harem with a dumb, pure, horny mc" game in the first few chapters, to actually playing it and it being so much more.
I might be glazing a little hard, I don't know, I'm still high on the feelings of the last few chapters, hadn't mentionned it but I also really loved Auxo's part, even if those last revelations make me doubt her sincerity a little.
Also side note, that 4th wall break stuff was somehow a nice break, it was in a very critical moment but it wasn't obnoxious, just a fun little surprise so you could breathe before it all went to shit again.
Anyways, you asked to let you know of my thoughts once I finished the chapter, I hope I did not disappoint
Honestly sucks that you saw this one and replied to it, but not my newest comment. I was on chapter 10 or so when I wrote this one. Wrote a new one today a couple chapters after finishing with Auxo.
I wasn't mean in this review so your reply confuses me, makes me frustrated a little bit even. I called it a banger, I said "story's been amazing so far" while pointing to the serious undertones that had started to show up, as a positive thing.
Sure I guess I did say it's not one of the best things to exist, not one of the best games on here, but I also said it's pretty close to it.
Idk, your reply just feels like you thought I didn't like the game and it's kind of annoying since that's not at all what I said
After going way further than my original review (basically spent all my free time on this game for the past few days) I have a few more things to say and a few of my original opinions that need rectification
This game is much greater than I originally thought, genuinely expected it to be a dumb aha game but it's so much more.
The main character has what's most important for a main character : flaws. It's not his being stupid, it's his self doubt, living for others without thinking of himself, thinking he isn't worthy of being loved while chasing after that love.
He is portrayed as charismatic, confident, the kind of character to never overthink and just do what feels right, he is the light and the core of everything that is happening in the story, but it's never enough.
Things never go perfectly.
Each arc ends "well" but the sacrifice for said good ending gets bigger each time it's not some dumb "aha overpowered mc go brrr" him and the entire main cast all have to give up something at some point in order for them to keep walking their path.
It may seem really obvious when just said like this but it's something that is very important to keep a story rooted, keep it interesting and make it so the player really feels like everything happening has a meaning and is important to the story.
Even really popular shows and games often don't apply this, they may get away with it for multiple reasons, but it's always better to have it than not, at least in my opinion.
Anyways, I'm really trying to avoid spoiling anything here so here comes the closure on this short review :
This game is absolutely worth being played if you're more story oriented.
The sex scenes aren't bad, the first few are even voiced and it does kinda get you, but that's about all there is. I'd say in this game the scenes aren't there so you can do your usual arm workout but mostly to add to the story. Of course that doesn't apply to all of them, but I find that a lot do.
The story itself is pretty cool, I can't explain in detail since again, I'm trying not to spoil anything, but while it can seem a little "childish" (?) and idiotic at first, it picks up the pace and I haven't found myself skipping text out of boredom but only out of anxiousness and need for answers (always regretted it after a couple lines and went back regardless but still)
Sooo yeah, I think this game is worth playing, and unlike I originally thought, it definitely has its spot in the good or even great games available on Itch, it's not just "decent" like I originally thought, it was a pleasant surprise.
I installed this out of desperation for something new to play, I've gone through most if not all of the top 18+ VNS on Itch and I'm left only wanting more (althought the space on my computer is suffering from the sheer amount I have installed)
I had put off playing this quite a while ago because I didn't like how we couldn't name the protagonist
Got to experience other games until eventually this doesn't bother me anymore so I thought "Why not give it a try?"
It's kind of been a banger, like yeah it's not the best thing i've ever read, or ever seen
But the whole Chad Thundercock dad thing is lowkey hilarious and the VA does an amazing job, the story's been fun so far while also having somewhat of a serious undertone. I also really like these little narration lines calling mc dumb, not saying I want more of them though because we need to keep a balance but it hasn't been over the top so far.
Anyways, I liked this a lot more than I thought, and while it probably won't become one of my favorites (the competition is rough up there) I feel like it definitely earns it's place close under them
Once again a banger chapter, I'm very curious to see how the story will progress, especially the whole rule breaker thing
For now I hope we can rescue and save our brother, and hopefully Nael doesn't just destroy the earth
Thanks for the update, I'm very excited for the next one, but don't forget to take breaks and get enough rest !
Actually pretty amazing, went for Dogma right after finishing the available update and I loved both
I have a favorite ofc, which is The Wrath but that just might be because I'm biased and found it before Dogma
Regardless I can't wait for the story to progress, I wish I could go into a coma right now and wake up after all of my favorite games fully released
As I thought, loved the update
Don't want to spoil so I'll keep the more specific opinion fr myself but it felt great to finally see them back together, to learn more about the Primordials and to see the current state of the conflict
Can't wait to see more, I love it so far and I can confidently say it's part of my top 3 as far as VNs I found on Itch.Io go
Take as much time as you need to make the new update, I genuinely love the game so far and I'm excited to see the rest, but that also means I care about you the creator, there's no way you can produce a game that fits you or our standards if you don't take care of yourself
Even if you decided to take 6 more months I would still be waiting, just like I have been waiting for Silksong for an eternity already
Take care, keep up the good work, wish you the best
As Arc said making an option in the game to skip to a certain point would be too complicated because of the sheer amount of different things you can do
If what you mean though is a way to load back to where you were before, there are saves.
Just save the game before closing and load your save when opening the game again, it's not that hard.
Just don't delete the old file before opening the newly updated game, that way you insure your saves being preserved.
The inspiration from Lessons in Love is VERY obvious, it's omnipresent, from musics, to themes (unfeeling dickhead focusing on his desires/Memory loss or finding himself somewhere without knowing how he got there/Seeing weird or fucked up things while hallucinating), character traits ("perfect" smart blond who's actually miserable/small girl with dead brother/cute girl working as a maid, MC obsessed with maids, spending all his money and flirting, maid girl acting like she doesn't like him and gets hurt ETC), major plot points (All of this being a game for the gods, MC losing his mind, THE FUCKING RESET), place names (Koi Cafe), outfits (Koi Cafe outfit, and more), syntax (the whole gods but with a straight lign going through it thing, even more so the same thing but three times in a row), scenes and character placements ( Seeing some backgrounds appearing in multiple games is nothing new, and isn't usually an issue, but when there are as many similarities as there are here it raises questions) you even put HEXADECIMAL which yeah isn't exclusive to LiL, but it's so frequent there, that it looks suspicious in a game that has soooo many references to an other game, to see it use one of said game's most used and niche feature.
Anyways, I liked the game, it's like a lesser version of Lessons in Love, which we can see was a huge inspiration for it.
But as the game goes on, the inspiration and the allusions to LiL start becoming too much, it becomes TOO similar, ffs you even show a still image of an EGG which I'm pretty sure is also a thing LiL did.
I like the allusions to it, the little winks here and there, but when it becomes TOO similar and too many things are taken, it strays from inspiration and becomes a copy, plagiarism
I don't want to accuse you of that because I don't think there's any bad intent, I think it's moreso on accident, you probably just wanted to add recognizable references and make them as frequent as possible but you did it too much.
You should try to tone in down in future updates, pull yourself away from LiL and deviate from its plot, because the way it's going now, I don't think we'll be able to say it's only inspired and not a worse copy if it keeps going on like this.
So with the new update coming out I replayed the whole thing and I'm going to do a mini review like I like to do for games that I'm more interested in.
I'll start with the negatives so that the next paragraph on the positive can wash the sour taste out of your mouth.
One thing you've probably already heard is : too many memes. It's funny I know and some of those references made me chuckle, but the risk with including memes in your game is that, by the time people see it, it might be completely dead and turn into a cringe fest(like when Ayase is lying on MC's bed talking about "it's not about the ara ara or the onii-chan", this one was eeeh,I'd like to forget about it). Now onto the "He is special"/"Chosen one" thing this is more a warning than really a criticism because it hasn't turned bad but be careful, there are already some things that, in my opinion seem a little too much yk ? Like the foreigner mumbling about MC being special as he watches him walking away with Ayase. Also I want to say MC getting hit out of nowhere and somehow implented with a seemingly unique chip that probably will have a huge role in the future is a bit big, but this one is probably nitpicking as there probably will be an explanation as to why it was him that got this. But I wanted to talk about it anyways because yk, what a "coincidence".
Now onto the positives. I really like your character models, I thought they were a little too shiney at first but they really grew on me and I think they're gorgeous, everyone looks more or less normal while also looking pretty and that's a huge plus. The hair also looks good which is oftentimes where models really looks uncanny, this one is more about the "vibe" and I couldn't explain. Now onto the writing, I think you did an amazing job with 0.2, getting more information about the world and the characters always makes for a more lifelike story and is extremely important, I hope you will be able to keep it up. Also keep in mind to *show* things and not only tell, I know it's a visual novel but it's crucial that the players can observe the way this story that you're building works without only being fed the information. I didn't put this in the negatives because you haven't failed at this, I'm just including it here as a side note because I like it so far and I am hoping for it to stay as good or better. And finally, going back to the memes, some of them were good choices, I can't lie I did chuckle a few times just from those but I still think you need to be careful which is why I am adding in the positives that you put a settings to turn off the meme cut-ins. It may seem like nothing and some might even say "If you don't like it don't play the game" but I think it's a nice addition for those who want to enjoy the story in a different way.
Aaaand that's about it, I like this game a lot, I see potential in it and I'm excited to see the next update, however long it might take.
Please do not take anything I have said the wrong way, I am not trying to force you into writing the game a certain way, I'm just some guy who's really into reading and sharing his observations
Yeah I knew it would be getting better after all that's how gaining experience works, I just like sharing my thoughts on things as they come so I came here to give my current take on the game as I was experiencing it. And I understand that remaking the start of it would be a tremendous amount of work, especially if it involves fixing the pacing issues. Picking when to cut between remaking and leaving as is, lining it up with the complete story, It sounds like a huge pain in the ass
As for your other game I was planning on playing it as soon as I was done with chapter 2, I'm still on chapter 1 for now though so it won't be until quite a few hours from now
Found this game from A House in the Rift
I'm pretty early into it for now, only on day 6 but I have some things I want to say, might edit once I finish the game if I feel like it
First of all I want to say I like the idea behind the game, the book written by MC's mom transporting him in a different realm where there will be issues but where there's everything he needs to solve these issues is a decent set up. Doesn't make for huge stakes but there doesn't need to be.
As for the character models they feel a bit uncanny, like there's something that doesn't look right but you can't really pinpoint it. The hair is slightly bothering me but this is all subjective and not an actual negative thing.
When it comes to the storytelling though I have something to say, especially regarding the pacing. I think everything is going too fast at the start, I don't know how it goes later so I won't speak for it, maybe you were in a hurry to finish the ground work and go deeper into it once you have the early stage down, I don't know. But it feels like everything goes way too fast. There is no time to like any character, you just get thrown around left and right without really having time to care about anything or anyone. The situation with Morgan feels like it gets solved too fast, then we're immediately thrown into the thing with Cass and that gets immediately resolved too and she apologizes and calls you Master.
I get it, this isn't supposed to be a game with 10/10 writing, but I still think the pacing is extremely important and decided to share my thoughts. I still appreciate the game and will most likely play it all night
Seems like a genuinely good game so far, with a few cool references and an actual storyline that looks like it can be interesting.
Just a few words of warning though be careful with the memes you decide to integrate, because they'll be part of the story if the meme is deader than my grandfather it could negatively affect viewer retention, won't happen with just one or two here and there so don't worry too much but I think it's important to keep it in mind as I want to see this game grow.
You've changed the mechanics around the war a few times and here's my feedback
Although I preferred the way it was with all the districtds we had to conquer, with different amount of fights to win in order to conquer them, I understand it would have been a LOT of work if it stayed that way and I'll just get used to the current menu, hoping you don't change it up too much again ahaha
Now to the fighting mechanic which is imo the most important part of my feedback as it directly impacts everyone's experience in this part of the game. I'll come out straight and say it : I do not like the current mechanic, with the dice, like at all. It relies too much on rng and although the little animation for each round is pretty cool I just can't like it. I don't find it fun. I do however really like what you did with the possibility to use a power in each round depending on your roll, that's the good part of the current system.
I miss having to spend time in the dungeon with each of the girls after fighting them in order to add them to my team, then having to change support character between each district I targetted to go along with the type of enemy and strategy needed. Although this system quickly became too easy I do think it could have made for a cool way to input a cool strategy like for example the eldritch changing types mid fight forcing you to either adapt through their phases or having to cheese it with food to heal yourself until you can beat them with one specific type of attack. But thinking about it, it was probably too much work again, after all this isn't the main game but simply a mini-game, I do have to reiterate though that I REALLY do not like the current system and hope to see it improve so that I don't have to go through it. It's kind of sad to use auto win feature so i'd rather not use it.
That's kind of the point ? It's a game for specific hard kinks if you're not into it you don't have to play, it's completely fine and people like it BECAUSE it's messed.
It's fiction, saying "I am just amazed that some people can enjoy something like this..." is just antagonizing and judging people who you don't even know for liking things you don't like.
Play a different game, there are plenty good ones with actual good story along with nice sex scenes without the hard kinks side
Definitely one of the best games I found of this type, i've been coming back regularly and everytime I have a really good time, both for the story and the other stuff.
Regarding the story I have nothing to say, I really like it and I can't wait to replay the whole game at once when it's completed
Regarding the other stuff I have a couple things that I think would go well with the corruption setting, for example I think it would be cool and on theme if you made some really weird stuff happen when she's extremely highly corrupt, like the option of sniffing or drinking the random cum buckets we find, make her lick her pics that are pinned around town from the townhall quest or allowing her to leave the bar toilets with her stomach inflated, also more repeatable townhall would be great
It's a bit sad that you can't go back without ending on the petha route
As much as I think the game does deserve the money, I also find it frustrating to have the game being separate in "seasons" and have to buy each of them separately, if I had known earlier I probably would not have bought it.
Don't get me wrong I really liked the game, but I when I buy a game I expect that, a game, not part of it.
I don't mind having to wait an extensive period of time for each episode after all I bought in early and it was my own choice to decide to buy and support this game. I just would not have if I knew this in advance, because I avoid any game that works like this.
I'll wait and see, if it only gets 2, maximum 3 seasons maybe i'll wishlist and wait for a sale or smth, or i'll just completely drop it even if I liked the game
It may have been available info, in which case it's completely on me and my disappointment is my own fault, but if it wasn't then I think it's fair to be disappointed by it ? I was pretty excited to receive an email saying the new episode had come out, only to find out I had to buy the new season, I waiting thinking "hey maybe it's for different tiers and since I bought in when it was cheap i'm just really low on the list"
But after waiting it became obvious that I was just being delusional, and although I think I understand why it was decided to be split the way it was, I just can't help but dislike it and I needed to air it out under here.
If you've read this so far and you want to know "Is it even worth getting the game ?"- it is, it's actually pretty good, I wouldn't go as far as calling it the best but for being the only game on here I bought, it still ranks pretty high compared to my favorite top ranked free games. And if money isn't a problem for you the way it is for me, it's definitely not far fetched to throw a couple dozens of dollars on it.
The chara designe overall is pretty good, might not like some of their faces but this is all subjective, frekles and skin in general is pretty detailed and actually looks amazing. The eyes also look really good, I don't actually have anything bad to say about the game itself. Sure there are a couple character's I don't really find attractive, but it's not a game problem since it's a subjective matter.
It has an actual storyline from which it doesn't seem to deviate too much so far, it just sucks that I can't afford to basically buy an other game to continue it
No worries I completely understand, I was just making suggestions based on my experience of the game, and how I think making it a little bit more linear would make the overall experience better as having the character completely ignore information he's already aware of is a bit frustrating, but I know it would mean a pretty hefty load of work for you regardless of how you decide to do it.
I had to play through it a couple times and I like the work you've done so far, it's pretty hard find 18+ games with an actual interesting plot, and you're absolutely delivering that, I wouldn't want to throw you off your rhythm or anything I was simply talking about a few of the things i've noticed, I hope you didn't take anything the wrong way
I think it would be great to put more limits on what parts of the story you can do so that we can stay in accordance with the temporality.
It's small details I know but for example when you do Sasha and know most of what's currently available information to us and then you go back to Layla and the character doesn't know anything even though it's all things Sasha explained to him, it gets a bit frustrating.
It would be too much work to ask for alternative dialogue with the activating condition being a certain point in Sasha's story, but I think giving us the condition of having advanced Layla's story before being able to learn more from Sasha would be great.
Aside from that I really like the game and I'm excited to see more, especially the stories about the Shogukuni and the trials, I'm trying to stay vague but there's one in particular that I'm curious about.
An other side note, I noticed Kaede uses "Konbanwa" to say "good night" ? but it means good evening and "oyasumi" is good night. I was wondering if it was on purpose or a simple mistake.
Fix fishing dude, I got lucky I have a second monitor that's only 60hz but my main monitor is a 165hz so I was not able to fish
I tried going in my settings to lower it but everytime I clicked back onto the game it forced it to go back to 165hz and the fishing minigame was insanely fast and just unplayable
Similarly to what Hunter Sugar said, it's a lot of patrong gated content.
And while I do think it's probably worth it, It is a bit off putting, I don't know how things have been working as I only just found out about this game but I'm hoping the more content is released for patreons users the more we get unlocked for the free itch updates.
I'll probably pledge money for the extreme version once it's fully completed but until then I can't say I'm not slightly disappointed/put off by the amount of locked content