glad you enjoyed it, let us know what you think when you finish Ch51
Hey, I took a little break but I'm here and I just finished chapter 51
Let me just, talk about the light stuff first, the french needs some corrections. It's my first language so if you'd like we could talk on discord a little and if you agree I can change the phrases to make it so they're gammatically correct while also sticking as close as possible to your original artistic view
Now for the actual content I might need some time to process some things, I did 50 and 51 together, lot of time paradoxes and things that I'll need to make sure I understood properly
I really want to avoid spoiling anyone who might come across this reply so I'll stay as vague as I can
This really felt like it turned everything upside down, in a good way of course. I had made some predictions as the story unfolded and while not all of them were wrong, it was nowhere near what was actually happening.
Which is amazing. The duality of characters finding out what they are, or what they *aren't*.
Discovering these as a player, not having a choice but just going forward hoping to get answers to the many new questions in my head, it created a feeling of heavyness much greater than anything this game had before. But it couldn't have happened without the story staying so consistent throughout all of these chapters, no matter how confusing they became.
It made no sense but it made so much sense at the same time, not claiming I understood everything of course I most likely missed stuff after all I just spend multiple hours reading this.
Caught myself going back a few lines, reading them again and again sometimes, making sure I at least had a proper, deliberate thought about them because it felt like if I didn't I would lose my understanding of what was happening.
The revelations kept coming in one after the other, it felt kind of like seeing a puzzle completing itself and trying to slow it down so you can observe *how*
A lot felt like it was just ideas coming back and being stuck together, I just needed to see more, the few (rare I have to admit, don't beat yourself up over this) typos that appeared didn't even register I just needed to go forward.
I have like 500go of visual novels downloaded from Itch (or found thanks to itch) on my computer and out of all of them, very few made me feel like this. I am glad I decided to download this game. I wish I had downloaded it before, but I also wish I hadn't found it until it was completely finished, so that I could get more and not get cut after the very emotional end of chapter that was given.
I went from thinking this was a slightly above average "discover your heritage and enjoy your harem with a dumb, pure, horny mc" game in the first few chapters, to actually playing it and it being so much more.
I might be glazing a little hard, I don't know, I'm still high on the feelings of the last few chapters, hadn't mentionned it but I also really loved Auxo's part, even if those last revelations make me doubt her sincerity a little.
Also side note, that 4th wall break stuff was somehow a nice break, it was in a very critical moment but it wasn't obnoxious, just a fun little surprise so you could breathe before it all went to shit again.
Anyways, you asked to let you know of my thoughts once I finished the chapter, I hope I did not disappoint