A really fun little game! The art is simple and the music fits! I liked the option of changing the game speed, makes the combat not feel so sluggish.
The game doesn’t seem to scale with the browser size, as it only seems to be about half of the screen anchored to the top left, while the rest of the game is a black screen. As compared to the original Godot logo while loading, which covered the entire thing.
It definitely needs a tutorial, as the only way I figured out that I’m supposed to drag and drop abilities instead of clicking on them was via the description. A basic tutorial to teach players this in the game itself would be great.
A way to lock skills so they are not rerolled would be nice, as many times I would be saving up for a skill, only for it to refresh when I could just afford it.
The inventory is too small, especially for Endless, as you get so limited upgrades, that it’s better investing into things like Lifesteal and Speed/Damage, rather than Active skills due to a lack of space. A way to expand the inventory via purchasing would be great.