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It's interesting, I guess. It's pretty simple as it is, despite the lack of SFX and music. The lack of horizontal movement is slightly frustrating for a Touhou game.

Fun stuff. Though I couldn't tell if the game actually had a limited bullet count or not. Though with the limited space of the map and the spawn being too close, there's almost no way you can feasibly go past a certain level. Games like Holocure, Vampire Survivors, and others give space by spawning the enemies outside of your screen.

It's shocking how our game has similar designs. Not only it is about a sword choosing for someone worthy, but it has autobattler mechanics too.

One notable difference is the lack of player agency once you pick a wielder, that you don't get to do anything other than waiting for them to die, before getting to upgrade. Some people don't have that much time waiting, and it makes endgame feel like something you don't want to do.

Ideally, the game could be improved if there's something for you to do during a run.

My game is Only You Are Worthy btw, for similarity reference.

Yeah, I understand most of those problems, and it has already been accounted for. This was my first game, so I didn't have time to worry about resizing window (-‿-")

Most of the issues you point out was already brought up by other people, so I plan to settle them in the next update. Thanks for playing my game!

Shorter ability names are more expensive? What? I didn't know that xD

Haha, thanks for playing my game! For the unique variation of owners, I still could improve it further and expand its stat scaling, but also include special abilities that each owner has. Perhaps an owner has a % chance to attack twice, or perhaps their crit damage is 3x instead of 2x. Still, there are things that can be improved.

Yeah, I mentioned that exact same feature on previous comments, regarding on what I could have done better. The tetris save slot, haha.

I still have to improve the economy design so that it still makes sense. Perhaps I could also set it so that you can buy expensive things when broke, but at a cost of your wielder's health or stats, like that Kratos God of War moment when he wields Zeus' sword.

Yeah, regarding the reorganizing abilities, the original design was specifically preventing that. Originally, I wanted it to be sorted like a sorting system, or defragmentation, but I either didn't have time for it or have doubts if it would be fun. Though, you this has given me an idea I can implement.

In general, I can try to improve the UI design, and possibly merging the shop and owned ability panels into one, in a tab, and so on. I could also use a "drop in animation" while you're looking at Owned abilities, letting you know what ability is being added to the shop.

Perhaps that will work, or perhaps it won't. I'll need to walk around the idea.

Thanks for playing my game!

(1 edit)

Wait till you see Hyperspeed 2x with Godmode (you have instakill hit) when there's no memory leak. I used that for debugs, and man, it looks like a sorting algorithm.

Though if I want that as an official feature, I would need something players can do to enjoy hyperspeed, like actual gameplay features.

Bread is bread.

Could use more SFX, better jump control, more music variety.

(9 edits)

Rube's feedback

- At higher speed, players take more damage. May be due to _process and _physics_process interaction at higher speed, unable to keep up.

- Suggested to add helpful stats in pause screen, things like a list of Abilities and what each of them does.

- Better credits needed.

- Work on better Weapon variations

- Add "Buy New Row" to Endless mode

- Fix HP Scaling to vary between different class/role

- Fix Music looping on pause. Web Godot doesn't work with Audio looping, custom script needed. Can simply put signal when the music ends, to start it again. .wav doesn't have loop metadata, but .ogg does.

- Quinten: "When dealing with audio in web you need to make sure you interact with the game by click or input before playing anything or your browser session loses audio permissions"

- Myself: You can definitely replace "selling Abilities", instead of returning half EXP, it heals the user instead. It gives players a way to sustain health.

- Myself: To steer from auto, when a wielder die, you can add a feature where you get to choose one of three upgrades, different from ability. If you want, maybe, who knows.

Yeah, thanks for playing my game! I know that it is frustrating for you to have your wielder killed, only to be taken over by a 2 hp enemy, but it is what it is. I did want to avoid letting players have specific upgrades that isn't meant for a weapon, so my limitations were there. But I did forget to implement the % Area Heal for entering new area.

Still, there were a few things I could have and wanted to add to the game, and I'm looking forward to the day I add it. Thanks!

Oh I did. I played around a bit few days ago.

You can break the game by restrating during intro scene. The restart button itches to be pressed while waiting for the scene to finish.

It's a simple and fun game. There's clear ways to make strategy, but requires you to know each ability after a few playthroughs. It just goes right to the point of being a strategy game, which players can intuitively understand the rules without being told how.

Very cools!

It do be like that. Though, I would need to add way more gameplay features for people to enjoy minmaxing everything. Thanks for playing!

Yeah, most of those mentions are within my scope of expectations. This was my first time releasing a game, Godot or not, and I also considered some of the problems you mention during the design, but just lacked the time to do it. After all, most of the effects you see are hardcoded by me, instead of using Godot's actual nodes, like a Particle Node if those exist. It wasn't until the last day of the Game Jam until I realized Godot has a tweening function xD.

As for what I could have done better with the issues mentioned:

- I could have added a countdown timer when the shop is full and are about to refresh, like Tetris.

- I could have also added the Tetris "Store Slot" to store something in the shop grom being refreshed.

- I could have set it so when the sword is taken by a new wielder, all active ability cooldowns refresh, so if you have Recovery, you get an instant 50% healing.

- I should have added a % area heal when entering a new area, but I forgor.

Still, it has been a learning experience for me. Thanks for playing my game!

None of the controls are working.

There's not much to do but move around, but sliding and wheeling around is pretty fun. The controls weren't that hard either, so I liked it!

I couldn't stop giggling playing the game. The animation is very fluid, and the walking and wall climbing mechanic is solid. Though, I was jumpscared at the end. It was a definite experience to behold! I can compare this to Eraser the game, and I still had lots of fun playing.

The controls are very awkward when using WASD to move and attacking with Q and E. It would be better if the attacks are done on the mouse clicks, if you intend on letting the aim be decided by the mouse anyway.

Also attacking creatures feels too hard when they have too much HP. 

The Game Jam was definitely asking for a google drive link, but instead it's in Downloads. This may have affected your game jam.

The Title Screen is also definitely AI-generated, which is against the rules.

As said by other people, I didn't understand what I was doing.

Playing this may have been the most craziest experience I have ever played. It's like a fever dream. Not to mention the thorough story inside of the game, but the music and the gameplay and everything. It's like the game had nothing left unfinished. It's such a wild experience could have seen this being sold in apple store back in 2015 next to that surgeon game.

I'm not sure what you all won here, but you definitely won something.

The art itself is cute, and it can technically beplayed infinitely. Though,
- Enemies spawn inside of the screen, making them popping into existence.
- There was not much variety on how this can be played. As long as you have an auto clicker, the game is set and done. No reason to move around or jump.

You still did a good job making the game visually charming.

In a way, I think that the names of Rogue and Tank are too western to be compared to Eastern them. It's why games like Battle Realms don't reallt have that naming sense. Perhaps try looking around for eastern or japanese roles tbat behave similar to the normal role archetype?

I didn't know what I expect, and I saw that it's a rhythm game. I played with it, and I vibe with it like any other rhythm game.

Though, the game did lack some UIs including bars, but most importantly, it would have been great if there are sound effects when you press the buttons. In most other rhythm games, there's SFX for perfect, bad, and miss inputs.

As far as I can tell, the music had similar bpm to the rhythm inputs, so I didn't feel disconnected.

I get the concept and understand its simple movements. It was somewhat hard to correlate an old man as a rogue, the ronin as a samurai and so on. Some dialogue scenes kept repeating itself if you enter the same triggering area. The sprite on the top left looks blurry too. The gravity on falling feels a bit icky too when your screen is very zoomed out.

Having sound, ambience, and some exposition may have improved the experience, but there may just be too limited of a time from the Game Jam to do so. Good work on what you've done!

Yeah, most of that is understandable.

- The shop quickly resetting without notice was definitelt frustrating. I could have added a visual countdown timer for a reset when its full.

- The lack of healing was mainly my blunder. I forgot my game was supposed to heal characters by X% of their max health when they enter a new area.

Thanks for playing my game!

I'm too broke for a controller :(

(1 edit)

Can you tell me how the game became broken? And yeah, the lag was something I expect since I couldn't fix the memory leak in time.

Edit: I realized you're currently on Endless mode, which was outside of my debugging range. Though, thanks for playing! I did wanted to add some features to Endless mode but there wasn't much time, haha.

The custom builder was very thorough, I was wondering how this game was made within two weeks. However, the actual gameplay was a bit painful to play. Perhaps that is just the limitation of playing on a browser, but moving around didn't feel natural.

(1 edit)

As an artist graduate, this hurts me that I kept failing to draw a circle. It's a pretty good game with solid visuals and animations.

There are instances when I draw something, it registers as two different objects at the same time.

I wasn't sure if it was intentional, but I liked the rollerskating movement mechanics the most out of this. Though, the Header of the game was the same as the game, I mistook it for the game itself, waiting and wondering why the game hasn't loaded yet lol

I guess the game was supposed to combine the hide and seek element with a criminal case with the evidences you collect, but you didn't have the time to finish the concept. The first part was still fun.

It took me a few moments before I realized: "Oh. That's how it works." I'm so glad the game has a Recall Spirit key, otherwise it would have been painful to play.

I really love most games that has grappling physics, including this one. The frustrating part is the fact that at first, I was wondering why some of my mouse input is not registering, then I realized: The game won't let you grapple if the grapple is out of your reach. It's frustrating that I'm not even allowed to shoot a grapple and miss, instead the game just refuse to let me shoot anything, making me wonder if the input was not registering.

If you die while grappling, there's a chance you get no clipped outside of the map.

It's definitely a foddian game, and the aspect of moving around as a sword perfectly fits the theme of the game. I couldn't beat it, but it's definitely a foddian worth game. It would have been nice if the sword also had a collision to lever yourself up to a box.

I got stuck before the exit.

The game was rather short. It didn't have audio, and there was a lack of difficulty playing the game. At no point I was threatened by the enemies as the player moves way faster than them, and they don't really attack you unless they collide.

Though, the sneak peek for the boss was wild~

The jiggle physics do be wack. I couldn't believe soft body like this can be simulated in a 2D scene, and got entertained by its gooey movement. As expected from a slime, it is remarkably frustrating to move around, and swinging the sword is even doubly hard, as if there's no grip.

I gave up at the second round, as jumping is too difficult for me. Though there are cases where it's easy for the slime to get stuck on sharp corners like the finishing stone.

It would have been nice if the jump strength can be controlled, so that moving around isn't as frustrating.