hey CasperGaming! Your plugin has been awesome so far, but there's one bug I just can't Figure out. recently I made a post on the forums about using skills from command windows (before beta R4) and you gave me this code (which totally works):
const mySkillId = X;
const action = BattleManager.inputtingAction();
the problem is, i have one of those skill commands for each party member, so i change the const mySkillId = X; to whatever the skill ID is, but i had a strange problem where it would all use the same skill, the one i set for actor #1, no matter what i changed it to.
While figuring this out, i stumbled upon this new R4 update, and i thought it was exactly what would solve my issue, but instead every single time i click that command on any actor it uses the one i have set for actor 5 (the one i set up at the bottom of the plugin parameters)
my parameters are set like this:
actor 1:
regular commands (attack skill guard item)
ultimate (skill: 34)
actor 6:
regular commands (attack skill guard item)
ultimate (skill: 35)
actor 8:
regular commands (attack skill guard item)
ultimate (skill: 35)
actor 5:
regular commands (attack skill guard item)
ultimate (skill: 40)
image for more clarity:
Any help is appreciated, and the plugin is still AWESOME! thanks Casper!