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Concepts & Originality 4/5

I really like the premise, the setup of the story, and the imagery. Very cool.

Flow & Clarity 4/5

The story is very well written and structured, using evocative descriptions without becoming boring or dense, or making the narrative feel rushed in the limited word count. There are a couple of minor typos/mistakes, but overall I'm quite impressed.

Adherence to Theme 5/5

The resolution was a very creative solution/use of resources that had sufficient buildup to make it feel satisfying, rather than lucky or convenient.

If you want to discuss any of my feedback/ratings, feel free to @ me on the OPR discord.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you so much, both for the praise and the solid critique! They're both very much appreciated!

I know it seems strange, but if you have any time, i would really appreciate if you be willing to point out some of the typos. I'm sure they're there,  I'm just not able to find them, and I'd appreciate the help!


Sure! Fair warning, I'm no expert, so I may be mistaken in some instances or miss something.

Random apparent typos/mistakes: 

  • "Ni'lak blinked clicked his heads-up display..." (blink-clicked?)
  • "Don't miss, tin man." (In this case, I believe Tin Man should be capitalized, as it's taking the place of a proper noun)

There are a few instances when "it's" (it is) is used instead of "its" (possessive form):

  • "...Atun Station's orbital comms relay from it's tiny DAO security detail..."
  • "...until the broadcast window of it's local comm array opened..."

A comma should be used with "and" when it is joining two independent clauses, not an independent to a dependent. It is used with "and" when linking an independent to a dependent clause in several sentences:

  • "...they had fallen on hard times, and were looking for any way to rebuild prestige."
  • "The dynasty would pin them down, and maul them with heavy weaponry."
  • "...down the riverbed, and the large metal pipeline that ran down it's length." (also "it's" vs "its")
  • "Ni'lak grinned and his mech's hand tapped it's chest mockingly." (Missing a comma here. Also it's/its)
  • "...from Ni'lak's stealth field, and slammed into the pipeline."

I hope this is helpful.


Thank you so much,  my friend! These are great catches,  and definitely things I can look out for in the future!

I appreciate you!