I do not think that the word hentai is used outside of Japan as they would use it in Japan either. On the one hand it is funny how different people use the same words and mean different things. On the other hand, this can get frustrating if they use this to classify things and talk to each other about those things. Misunderstandings are bound to happen. Using "H" seems to have a long tradition in Japan, and there seems to not even be consensus about the origin or meaning. At one point in history it even meant gay. Not kidding. The translated Japanese wiki site for ecchi is a fun read. So saying it is an ecchi game and not hentai could have once meant, it is a homosexual game and not a perverted game. Language is fun.
Huh, I had no idea lol
But well, looking up "difference between ecchi and hentai" does seem to correspond to what I had in mind now, generally speaking. I'll stick with it for the time being at least since it'll save me some trouble, but it's still good to know! I'll keep this in mind and if something better/clearer comes to me, I'll change it then!
Thank you ^^
Just to be clear, my initial post was meant jokingly. Hence the stammering. There is no doubt about the lighthearted booba nature of your game.
I never saw ecchi used outside of anime I watched. Except by nerds on wikipedia. Hentai, yes, but not ecchi. Maybe it really is getting established as a word. And while we are at it, we should add booba to the dictionary.