Feedback #2
Speaking of feedback, I miss the feedback you would get from clicking the "CPC" button - numbers used to pop up when I clicked the button telling me how much my click was worth (I know, I know, it shows the number below). Now when I click there are no more "+XXX.X credit" numbers popping up - only the little G credit symbol pulsates. Can we get the numbers back?
Small gripe but it feels impactful from a player perspective. "Oooh I clicked a thing, something happened!" vs * "G wobbles 1 time"
Game crash:
During the course of typing this very message, at about ~9:25pmEST, I had the game crash (over on after watching the ad to get "G" (credit).
Using Chrome Version 133.0.6943.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Ublock Origin utilized
Windows 10
Google Chrome did not crash nor hang. (other tabs responsive) page did not hang (still able to scroll, animations happening on page, links live)
Only Console Idle froze.
Google Chrome asked to wait or close - clicked wait twice, ending up reloading site.
Automation Bots Bug
The following automation bots are displaying an "Idle" number in the negative value (Support Hand, Fine Support Hand, Advanced Support Hand, Advanced Casting Tong, Advanced Explorer Bot, Advanced Scrap Grapple).
I'm trying to figure it out based on the numbers, but when I reformatted my consumption was high and I had 0 max energy (no hardware bought yet)
After buying a bunch of hardware, I decided to Withdrawal my automation bots so I could get my consumption lower than my max energy.
It appears that those bots just got deleted altogether when I unassigned them from their production task.
All the bots were deleted (nothing in Bot manager even though I unassigned tons of bots to get my consumption down)
And it assigned me a negative Idle number (Idle: -6, Idle: -74) for the bots which were unassigned.
When I purchase a bot now it increments the "Idle: -X" by +1 or +10, etc. equaling the appropriate value of bots assembled/purchased.
BUT, since the game is reporting -Idle bots, even though I now purchased these bots and can see them in bot manager, I cannot assign them to production task because the game thinks I have negative amount of bots and tells me "no Casting Tong in Warehouse" - even though I just Assembled Casting Tongs and see them in Warehouse.
The number of bots above each bot icon is correct. However, when you highlight the bot, that is when you can see the -Idle Number. (-Idle number also displays in production when adding bots)
The negative Idle number is incrementing upon Assembly - so I would have to purchase enough bots to make my Idle: X positive before I can place actual bots. Meaning my new "Zero" would be however many bots I had to assemble to get the "Idle: -6" to 0. So if I assemble 6 bots, I would then have 0 Idle.
If I assemble 7 bots, I would have 1 Idle and can then assign to production task.
The new Console GUI is excellent. The animations and soft design changes are a nice touch and are really tying the experience together in a big way.
However, I am noticing some severe input lag. Especially during Performing Sequence Task, Pressing Task, Etc..
The lag is not consistent. Sometimes it will respond quickly, sometimes it's soft and spongey and it has made doing tasks less fun. Especially the sequence tasks which would light up instantly as you correctly input directions. The arrows now lazily light up whenever they feel like it.
World Map battles are lagging as well. Choppy Status Bars that sputter/burst upwards during battle.
Ooooo, just tested color changes. Not sure if this could help you pinpoint the issue but there is HUGE graphial lag when switching color schemes in System Appearance.
It appears there is now a slight fading transition animation when swtiching color schemes - it looks really smooth and very cool - BUT it lags out the framerate so hard that the transition happens in small stages.
Don't get me wrong, it looks really trippy and I like it - but you can tell the framerate is just dumping and chopping. If I change color scheme and quick grab the window slider, the refresh of the window chops as well during the color change and then the frames come back up once the color stabalizes.
I am really liking watching the transition though! Especially how the windows fade first, and the other buttons and icons fade just a moment after.
It's making me wish we had a 2 tone color picker! XD (Bring back Cyan and Pink from the oooooold days) but I know it would clash with the other colors you have going on.
Building on colors, the new eye-candy icons and hues/gradients are very pleasant.
Rounded Window edge soften the GUI and are a subtle touch. the option to change them back to square is one that I find funny but if people like square windows it's nice of you to keep those people in mind with an option to get square. (Even if the aspect of the windows/menus are as such that your mind portions them off a rectangular/square-ended zones)
The layouts are tighter and more well-defined.
All in all, Console Idle gained more depth, character, and style. This game is going up.
Still testing it out!
More to come!