P.S. Make sure you examine the hole.
Viewing post in Igor's Quest is ready for testing
You have a bug with the needles. If you take the eyes without taking the needles, it works. But if you take the eyes while the needles are in your inventory, you hear the jingle but you don't see them.
If one shows the apple in the stable, the answer is: "Nobody interested"; yet the mare finds it to her taste.
I don't know if it's up to you, but there should be an automatic Look() after restoring the game by Load().
That's a relief. When you write a game with a somewhat different concept, you're never sure whether players will get it or not. I have fixed the needles bug and the sound on/off issue and am doing a number of other changes based on the feedback I received from you and Adventuron. Thank you both! It's getting late here, so I probably won't get it finished and tested tonight, but certainly tomorrow night.
Unfortunately, I had no choice with the abrupt ending, as it's part of the rules. As soon as you drop the last treasure, the game ends. No further actions or puzzles are allowed. I hope the end-game message made sense, though. (A little bit of a twist!)
I thought I'd tested that, but I'll check it and fix it. Thanks. I think all your other issues and suggestions have been fixed. I'll test it and upload it tonight.
I see that you can now add an end-game option. I might consider doing that so you can ring the bell. I've already got most of the infrastructure in place, I just need to change to bespoke mode (or whatever it's called) and prevent Igor wandering around in the castle.
Can I give you credit as a play tester? If so, can I use your real name or would you prefer 'auraes'?
The wetsuit bug was mine. Adventuron helped me to track it down. I had added two custom wear handlers, one for :match "wear -" and one for :match "wear *". The second one was clashing with the system one and I'd forgotten to add a specific wear handler for the wetsuit. Anyway, all fixed now and thoroughly tested. Unfortunately, this means I didn't have time to add the new end-game code and test some of the other changes, so my update is delayed for another day.
I think there's a bug in Adventuron. The wetsuit is defined as follows:
wetsuit : object "wetsuit" wearable = "true";
so it should be wearable. It is brought into play as follows:
: swap o1 = "suit" o2 = "wetsuit";
It looks like the swap removes the wearable attribute.
I'll chase this up with Adventuron and see if it is a bug and see if I can find a workaround using create and destroy in the meantime.