Hi, great to see you around again!
Being able to change equipment in combat is something I had considered and indeed even found a plug-in and tested it, although ended up not implementing it on any release. However your suggestion makes sense and I'll try that out for the next version (maybe with a cooldown so it can't be cheesed too much).
As for blasts triggering when interacting with events, I had noticed that problem but couldn't think of a pratical solution. However you bringing that up has actually given me a burst of inspiration and now I see a simple way of implementing it (just make the blasts a common event then use the plug-in that allows binding common events to other keyboard buttons, can't believe I couln't think of that before). That way the blast is no longer connected to the interact button and will not trigger when just chatting with NPCs, opening treasure and stuff.
Thanks a lot for the review!