Congrats on completing the jam! I unfortunately was not able to defeat the boss but we did get him down to about 25% HP.
Great job on the art and music. The battle arena was pretty and the battle music was a banger. I thought our little world eater was very cute and it definitely looked like they stomach ache. I also liked the design of the boss. He was menacing but also kinda cute.
As for the gameplay I think the spitting mechanic is very unique I wonder if we could incorporate Kirby/Yoshi into it a little more? Like eating what we've just spat out? Or moving something to a second "stomach" as a "hold item" similar to Tetris. The idea being that it may be beneficial to hold onto a stun for when you only have grass to spit up, or to quickly get to a spire for damage. I did like how each item had a different "cool down" for spitting it up.
As for the movement itself:
- I found the movement of our world eater to be very slow and clunky
- The dodge mechanic is also clunky - I didn't like the penalty after using it although the time restriction was good. I've been playing a lot of Dark Souls recently so it was really punishing when I would be adjusting the character.
- It also seemed like when I dodged and the enemy was doing a move he would adjust his hit based on where I moved to. This made it hard to even dodge.
- I would've like to have a sprint or dash for how slow the player moves. This would also help with when you have a long ranged attack or a close range attack one after each other in the spit queue. Can use it as a gap closer/distance maker.
- The jump is cute but really didn't do much. I used it to move slightly faster when I couldn't use the dodge.
Great job!