Congrats on finishing the jam! This is a nice short game. Definitely arcade-y in terms of art, music and design. Great job! I got a score of 018900.
I think there's a few areas of improvement:
- It would be nice if the tutorial was a series of different rooms with different simple situations to show off the mechanics. Having the tutorial room be a one-off of the main stage was probably for timeline constraints, but it made it difficult to really understand the different mechanics.
- I found that I did not really need the detach mechanic. What I just did was posses a character, move them beside another one and then possess that one. It made clearing the stages easy.
- Similarly I didn't feel the need to go after cherries.
- I liked the guy that falls down. I missed him once!
- I wish that gamepad mode triggered when you used it instead of toggling for a button. I also wish toggling the button was displayed on the main screen instead of in the settings. I am old: zxc is not intuitive. I thought I had to pressed enter/space on the keyboard but it was z to get to the settings.
- A couple of times I went to launch into one of the guys and somehow missed when I thought I should have hit him. Maybe it's me but maybe it needs to be tweaked?
I ran into some bugs:
- In the tutorial I had one guy left and I launched myself into a cherry. The guy died and I think I got the cherry and the game asked me to choose a victim instead of returning to the main menu. This is a softlock.
- When playing the main game I had one victim left. I launched off of him and hit a wall and died. It them asked me to choose a victim and soft locked me. Might be the same bug.
Otherwise great job! Really successful at implementing their vision!