Not sure exactly how to make a new addition to the devlog so im just replying to my own post, not sure if thats the elegant way to do this but its the way im doin it.
I don't have much to show sadly in terms of progress but I did make some concept art for the main character of the game, I'll just call him "The Wanderer" for this devlog, the cryptid creature you play as, hes a strange humanoid creature who, in the original game, his mechanic was that he was weak to light. I think i'll try to keep that, but the premise of the game will likely be less focused around that light weakness, it will still be prominent if I do, but I might change it to only weak to sunlight, or other way around and only weak to artificial light, because I don't wanna limit the graphics of my own game because of this little story aspect
Sorry about the enormous images btw, if you can't tell I do not use itch regularly, I have absolutely no idea what im doing. I very much enjoy this concept for the character, it looks significantly less "human" than the original I think, likely because of the proportions. This will likely be what I base his ingame design on.
Anyways for the actual game I want to make him sort of animated in a context-specific manner if you will, I hesitate to call it procedural animation as I still plan on using some traditional methods, I just want the character to be physics-based, that way I can develop much more creative puzzles, heres a bit of a concept of his height and what I generally want him to look like ingame:
I've been doing alot of research into godot's physical bone nodes and bone animation for this, along with how rainworld handles its own animation for reference, I don't plan on basing it on the same methods exactly but knowing is still useful. The character in the original game kinda just headbutted crates to get them to move lol, but I want something a bit more polished for this. Also I need him to be able to switch between a ragdoll and active state freely to create death and also to implement stunning mechanics, just as a little punishment for being too reckless with dangerously heavy objects :devious: