Its time to tackle this beast again, oh how i've missed you.
If you aren't aware, this devlog almost didin't exist due to the suffering I endured attempting to implement physical bone animation into the project, I quit the project for several months, came back, procrastinated by doing terrain art and the pseudo-3D enviroment, but to add much more to the game I will have to implement this physics based character, so here we are again, but this time, I have a plan.
It derives from characterbody2D, that way I have finite control over the character's physics, what im going to do is pin the cosmetic skeleton to the characterbody via the hips, use top_level to prevent any bone fuckery with parented controls, and attempt to first get a character that stands up, I want to make it so the characters limbs can be broken off during death, and other like things, think something like limbo's character. Im also making the skeleton symmetrical this time, that way I don't need to handle turning too much hopefully because physical bone hates being scaled.