Did you folks do the modelling? That's wickedly good for a 2-week turnaround! I really enjoy kaiju battler games so found myself getting real invested in dodging and weaving the enemy dinos.
Few thoughts:
- How does it feel when you restrict the dinos from rotating on a dime? If they had to run forward to turn, would it feel like they're circling around you a bit to get in your blind spot? Equally, adding a turn speed for the player would add to this tension.
- The attacks land a little sluggish. I'd bet if you remove the frames right before the landed blow keyframe at the beginning of the animation, it'd feel more impactful. Then you want to carry off the rest of the animation as recovery frames. You could add more anticipation frames for stronger, slower attacks, but I think to get a nice juicy feeling from the combat you've gotta link landing the blow really tightly with clicking the button.
Nicely done, hope you're proud of what you accomplished!