(¯▿¯) sorry I couldn't add the new bindings for the linux version in the latest patch due to some unexpected compilation errors. (only updated it for windows)
about the animations, the H ones had a completely different timing when I made them in aseprite , turns out I messed up the implementation in the unity animator, and the timing got ruined ..... about the sprites, I guess you mean the npcs right? didn't put too much work in their animations.. they'll be playable characters in the future so they'll get a good treatment don't worry.
About the fights I made the parry too op if you spam it and combine it with the dash but many people missed out on that, maybe I'll add a longer tutorial, but yeah fights in general need to be reworked...
( ´ ▽ )/ anyways glad you enjoyed some parts of the demo, I'll try to fix as much as I can next update