thanks for making the kick op, couldn't get past Louise though
mostly stable if set to 720*480 in my pc, tried to record but would lower to 30 fps
(・_・ ) Q is the parry, if the normal attack stunned it would be trivial to kill any enemy
>yeah the writing isn't great, i would proofread all of it if i were you: at this point gotta rewrite all dialogues, making them shorter too
>why are the characters all morons? lol: they're not all morons they behave like you would with a stranger!
>i don't appreciate the fetish shit but i guess there's an audience for it
(─‿‿─) the gag and stuff? the will be more BDMS stuff in the future
>I feel like you could probably go for a higher resolution and detail when it comes to the sex scenes, as it stands it just isn't all that appealing.
lol , yeah I'm reworking some of them, I'll add sound too, btw next scenes will be actually using the in-game sprites (not panels) so they will be even lower resolution
( ̄︶ ̄) some dialogues seem random 'cause there's lore elements I can't talk about yet because they haven't been implemented
( ¯ ▿ ¯ ) Yeah combat is shit....
thanks for trying it!
>lots of typos and grammar issues
mmm I thought I killed them all...
>During the "hacking panel" cutscene, left-clicking suddenly was the only way to advance the cutscene despite E being the only way before
it's intentional
>At one point I killed a guy twice? It played the "Head gone boom" text but the guy was still alive.
yeah stupid mistake I made, the gag gives you a debuff that happens to reduce the damage that also happens to be exactly the amount needed to eventually leave the enemy with exactly 0 LP and I put the code as 0<= instead of 0< for that message
thanks for trying it!
(¯▿¯) sorry I couldn't add the new bindings for the linux version in the latest patch due to some unexpected compilation errors. (only updated it for windows)
about the animations, the H ones had a completely different timing when I made them in aseprite , turns out I messed up the implementation in the unity animator, and the timing got ruined ..... about the sprites, I guess you mean the npcs right? didn't put too much work in their animations.. they'll be playable characters in the future so they'll get a good treatment don't worry.
About the fights I made the parry too op if you spam it and combine it with the dash but many people missed out on that, maybe I'll add a longer tutorial, but yeah fights in general need to be reworked...
( ´ ▽ )/ anyways glad you enjoyed some parts of the demo, I'll try to fix as much as I can next update
hey, thanks for the feedback!, the skirt idea is actually is good, but I have not decided if certain gear will only be removable only by being broken/ragged or directly from the inventory, the surrendering mechanic will be tied to certain stats (corruption) it will make you easier to escape.. or even impossible in certain cases... (˙▿˙)
(≧◡≦) and love you too! (yes in that way..)
Yes, as you mentioned there are some major bugs, the counter bug is related with the save file created when you talk with Pudica (the bandaged girl), sometimes it even goes in the negatives. it should be fixed for the next update.
pregnancy mechanic is also being tested right now! I still have to figure out how make it carry an impact in interactions with other characters (like reacting to the belly) / besides gameplay.
thanks for playing the demo btw! I'm glad to see you liked it
Thanks for making an exception for my game and leaving a review
Don't worry I won't abandon the project (^▽^), most of the criticism I received was regarding the controls and fights (related to controls too), that makes me think almost everyone enjoyed the core game. controls are something easy to fix