I have the frame delta included in the calculation so even if framerate varies I think it should be fine, maybe some edge cases are unhandled.
I thought about the short-armed problem (or long-armed, could be awkward to see the flames produce too early in the movement). I wanted to include a distance-slider, and maybe measure it by asking to stretch your arm and press trigger. But yeah I want to rework the punch recognition method as a whole.
When I try your game in WebXR I get a pop-up “sorry your browser doesn’t support immersive VR”. Latest chrome on Windows.
Thanks for the specs, yeah loading shaders is an issue I think I used the Forward renderer for the PC export so they aren’t precompiled (IIRC it’s basically impossible for Vulkan-based renderers). Might be possible to compile as a loading step however, I think I saw something about it in Godot XR Tools gotta double check.