Thanks for checking out the project and the helpful feedback!
I just set up a temporary host running the original `llama-mesh` model under `generate-glb` (a separate Open Source project I wrote last week to help support this Game Jam). There's another post with details (and some caveats).
Regards the UI, yes I need (and intend) to make some tweaks to better show connection and activity, especially as it may take a couple minutes for the preview of the vectors and faces of the model to start appearing, depending on whether or not hardware acceleration is available on the server doing the rendering. I honestly didn't have much time to devote to the UI since most of the week was dedicated to getting generation dialed in (long story short the quantized models used with Ollama don't produce nearly as good results as the original model, but Ollama is the easiest to set up). Meanwhile the easiest way to check if Ollama is doing its thing is if your GPU usage (or at least CPU) starts to spike after clicking "Generate" - not ideal I know!
I will post a follow-up after cleaning up the UI, either late tonight or tomorrow most likely.