In retrospect perhaps I should have considered that before buying it. lol
That said.... The game IS really well-written, and the story itself exceptionally good.
(In the main game as well.)
My ONE problem with it is that I had the foolish hope that a certain bard would change personality depending on your choices, and not reject you based on them.
He DOES have a dual hair-color, and a torn loyalty.
I suppose it was foolish of me to expect he had two different paths to walk because of it.
And that you could push him towards light or darkness.
I honestly think the biggest flaw most game have is that they refuse to offer DIFFERENT type people as LI's.
Now, your game DO have a bit more variation than a number of other games, but they are all fundamentally good people.
And THAT is a flaw.
Because many people like bad boys. And not all want that bad boy (or girl) to have a heart of gold.
And because of that, the ending comes off as moralizing.
Because you can't, fundamentally, choose the Abyss.
Not if you want love --something the Abyss encourages.
Or at least that's what it seems like.
I have not found a Walktrough to the game yet.
But I can't help but hope that there will one day be a future update in which you CAN influence your love-interest, so that instead of rejecting you if you take a darker path, they grow darker with you.
THAT would be a truly happy ending.
(Of course, making people work for it is fine. Some people need more manipulation than others. And I think my sweet bard needs to break.... while the thief girl is halfway there already, and the mage woman could be swayed by power and corruption....
Only the prodigal one would require you to follow the godess I think, logically... but he should have a warning for that.)
And this would make choices matter more than they do as well, which is a good thing.)
So if you want the game to appeal to even more people, THIS is a good way to do so.
Everyone loves freedom, after all.
And freedom comes from choices, with real impact.
And the ability to still be with someone they love, AND make the choice they want to make.
And most importantly: WARN people!
It is VERY disappointing to choose a path, and have to play to the very end before you realize it means you CANNOT be with your LI.
Perhaps it should be obvious, but I have played many games where your choices DO change how you LI ends up, and even more where he loves you too much to care.
So some people will assume the same as me, and be disappointed because of it.
Doubly so because of all the time and effort they put into it, only to loose what matters most at the end.
And because your save-files are not endless like Ren'Py has, you can't actually locate the point everything went wrong and retry from there either --presuming you can figure out where exactly you went wrong to begin with, which is not easy with such a big game.