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(2 edits) (+3)

OMG. What an amazing mystery! I loved every bit of it despite not being able to completely piece everything together without the help of the comments. Sadly, I do have one FINAL please for help. Please skip down below to the question ONLY if you have completed the game.


I have 95 files and I am desperate to find the last one. I assume it has to be a file in 00 because Annie at one points mentions there were 4 bodies on the first day. Unfortunately, I am totally clueless as to who the person is and where they could be located. I do have the scene with Kathering at WI, John in the EN so I should have most of it. As a small aside, am I meant to learn anything more about the @ person? I know very little other than the descriptions they give in the story about the characters or the name in the "From" section of our email. Thank you in advance for your help.
PS. Files 21-LI-1-2-4 and 23-CH-1-2 have a (1)  next to them. The former is why I assumed there was a fourth body.


You're missing the first body discovered, who wasn't actually dead yet at the time John arrived. If you think about the characters missing and the cues for death times you can probably figure out who it is and when they died.

(1 edit) (+1)

It could be that I am just mentally exhausted, but any chance you could give me a slightly bigger push. I guess I am having trouble accounting for a few things. 

*Spoilers below so please do not expand this reply unless you are comfortable with spoilers!*

Is there in fact 13 people? If so, does this last person have a number or a letter as in the name of another person? Are they a male or a female? And I failed to mention this but I do not in fact have a 00 scene. The instructions state Act I goes from 00 to X number although I had always assumed there was an 00 fairly early on. I think those things could really help me. 

This is a bit of an aside but I do hope the developer creates a Discord or something for any future games. I feel awful about posting spoilers in the comments despite the warning, and while I have tried my best to spoil as little as possible, I would feel a lot better having a space where I could ask more pointed questions, especially in the replies. Also, it would be pretty fun to be able to talk to others about their theories and other thoughts at length because it's really hard to do that here in the comments. 

(1 edit) (+3)

There is no 00 scene. The 00 files never have the scene-place-character structure, they're usually information or messages directly from the agent. It is (probably) not an 00 file you missed, they're all explicitly signposted in other files and you could just double check you didn't skip over one by using "find 00".

There are 97 files in total, so you are missing 2.

To help more: every character appears once in every scene in which they are alive. For example, if you check the titles of the 04- files, you should find all the numbers 1 to 11 there. You explicitly meet almost all the characters very early on, being Persons 1 to 11.

This rule alone should be nearly enough to help you work out every file you are missing except two of them. One of the files it can't find, 25-WI-K, you already found, so I think one of the files you've missed is an ordinary file you can probably find by the process of elimination of just checking you can find every living person in every scene. Is anyone unaccounted for at any time frame?

The other file that rule can't find requires a little bit of inference from you. Here's some gentle clues which get progressively more pushing:

1. What signifies the death of a character?

2. Are there any of these signals you've found which don't seem to correspond with a death?

3. When did Rupert die?

4. Where did Rupert die?

5. What is the pattern that associates characters with number codes?


01-ST-12 is easily missed. It's the only file in which Rupert appears alive. The thunderclap for this happens very early on, in 01-QU-1-11, probably the first file you read. Note that in 01-QU-1-11, Harry Thornton knows who Rupert is for the first half of the scene ("worked for him all my life"), which means Rupert isn't dead yet. The thunderclap then happens halfway through, and Harry Thornton then says Mr Galley... now meaning Edmund.

You also get a clue in 01-LI-3-5, where Oswald and Martha are talking about Rupert in the first half of the scene, saying he just left, until midway through the scene there's the thunderclap.

You'll almost certainly have worked out that character numbers correspond to the order in which they die. Since Harry Thornton is 11, Rupert must be 12. You also know he died in the Study, again from very early on.


Thank you so much for you super detailed response. I will do the usual spoilers warning! Spoilers from this point on!

Hilariously, I found Rupert a bit earlier on actually. I didn't mention him in the original comment because it didn't occur to me he would be hard to find. I did in fact use the file with Oswald and Martha talking to help me locate Rupert. Also, I have a 9 page Google doc with every single scene and lengthy notes summarizing each scene. In addition to that, I also created 4 charts, one for each act, in which I filled in every character and their location for each time code. That helped immensely even if it took a lot of time. 

Huh. Now I am stumped. I must be missing something else because I recounted the bodies and I came up with 13. 1-11 then Rupert and finally Katherine. A small note that the death of 1 occurred in time code 26 and at the entrance. Are those all the bodies? One of the notes from @ said it was just the 13, but now I am not sure. I just am at a lost as to what I could have missed. I did try to research more on both Eleanor and Amelia but neither sound like they could be the thirteenth body based on their descriptions. Rupert says that Amelia went missing one day but it doesn't sound like she died recently. Eleanor was stated to have died a long time ago by Katherine as well, a fact which Oswald also confirms. The drawings Oswald shows Annie also show three children: Oswald, Elanor and Rupert, who Oswald does not recognize. So yeah. I will try to do a search of 00 notes since I did delete my first game due to my assumption I had a bug. As a result, I did have to go back and try to "refind" some of the 00 files.

If it helps any, these are the two files that have a (1) next to them: 21-LI-1-2-4 and 23-CH-1-2. Again, I really appreciate the response as I can at least stop obsessing over trying to find anybody at 00.

(4 edits) (+1)

Spoilers etc.

If you have 01-ST-12 and 25-WI-K, you have both the unusual files. Every other file is just going to need to be found by figuring which person in 1 to 11 you're missing at what time bearing in mind each person appears exactly once in each scene for which they are alive, or possibly by using "find 00" to make sure you input all the 00 files when they were told to you. You've not missed any bodies from the original chain - 2 to 12 and K from the thunderclap, and 1 by suicide. I suppose Amelia would be 13 by the game's convention but there is no scene featuring her and it is implied she died long before present events.

I'm not sure what file links 21-LI-1-2-4 and 23-CH-1-2 as I probably made it a different route there. I'd guess a 22 scene, maybe? Did you get 22-LI-1?

If you get absolutely stuck I can just list out all the files but that's a last resort!

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Oops! Forgot to add spoilers! Spoilers!! Please avoid unless you finished the game.

I am a moron. I think I assumed Oswald died at the Chapel but did he? Is that who I am missing. I remember that at 21-CH-3 we were given a description of a various sounds made by Oswald. I assumed he died there because in the next scene 22-CH-1-2 Oswald is nowhere inside but Annie mentions at 23-CH-1-2the ghosts followed them there.

And yes, I do have 22-LI-1. This the list I have for Act 3:

21-CH-3 (1) 21-LI-1-2-4 (0) 22-LI-1 (1) 23-CH-1-2 (0) 24-DI-1 (0) 25-AT-1 (0) 25-WI-K (0) 26-EN-1

I did use the find 00 trick to check the 00 files. These are the files I have:

(0) 00-act-structure (0) 00-audio-recovery (0) 00-invitation (0) 00-list-of-names (0) 00-readme (0) 00-references

My only guess now is that I misunderstood and Oswald is the one I am missing. I will go look at my charts again to see if I missed a body. Thanks!

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In case you don't work it out, you are missing


You can tell because you don't have any 22 file with Annie (2) or Oswald (3) present in it, and you know from 22-LI-1 that Oswald doesn't die until midway through scene 22.

As always, spoilers!!! Please do not look beyond this point if you do not wish to be spoiled!

Yes!!! I did actually find it! Thank you so much. I went to pull out my Act 4 chart and realized I got too excited when John remembered Annie at the chapel so I immediately went onto that scene. In hindsight, it did seem a little odd how Annie just came to these sudden conclusions. I just erroneously inferred Oswald was dead and when Annie died, I miscounted the bodies. Oswald did die but not in the scene I thought he did. But yes, when I looked back at Act 4, I did see a blank spot as you said which made me realize my big, big error. It didn't help that I was hyper fixated on the belief that there was a death in 00 and thus I focused all my attention on my Act 1 chart. 

I feel so relieved now. I kept looking for the wrong missing body and all in the wrong places. What a lovely game this was. Thank you so much for all your help because I wasn't able to stop thinking about what I was missing.