Hi @Average4PlayersGame,
Thank you for your insights. If I understand correctly, you mentioned that if a card is labeled ‘attack’, all statements on that card should be treated as part of that attack.
However, we found another card, “37014”, with similar statements:
Deal 4 damage to an enemy. If that enemy is defeated by this attack, remove 2 threat from a scheme.
We believe that the “If XXX, remove 2 threat from a scheme” part should not be considered part of the attack itself; rather, it should be treated as a “DELAYED EFFECT”.
Similarly, card “32038” states:
Deal 6 damage to an enemy. If you are in Phased mass form, you may discard an attachment with the text “Hero Action” or “Hero Response” from that enemy.
In this case, we propose that the “If you XXX, you may XXX” part can also be regarded as a “DELAYED EFFECT”.
To ensure we are interpreting this correctly, could you please provide any references from the FAQ or additional insights on this matter? Your input would be greatly appreciated!