CP is short, about 20k words, and it was made for the Amare Jam in about two months, though the actual time spent on the game was shorter due to life obligations. The main idea was to make a project within a set deadline, which was accomplished. That’s also why there are ‘very few’ choices, and only 4 endings.
MC and their past are left up to the player because this is how I prefer things to be, both as a player and as a creator (leftover from being an PRG player I guess). The setting was also left intentionally vague. I do know that some players prefer to have everything set in stone, but there are other games to play besides mine.
Modesto/a does know that MC can read, as they interact with each other daily, and having seen them peruse (with disgust) a book that was traditionally shoved down noble heirs’ throats only confirmed an already pre-made suspicion about what MC’s past might be (not a commoner).
Gender and other such choices are complimentary, they don’t change much in the story save for a few lines, and they are added when they become relevant, not before. The guide for reaching all the endings (with all the game-related choices pointed out) is added in a devlog at the bottom of the page. If you’re playing on PC you can use TAB to skip.
Because of the $100 Steam fee, I don’t see myself uploading my games to Steam, and because of the 30% cut with an additional 20/30% for people from the outside of the USA, it’s very doubtful that I will use the platform at all.
Thanks for playing!