I found that when I grabbed two sigils at the same time and opened a gate, I was left empty handed.
Vs vg'f nern fcrpvsvp, vg'f va gur abg-ubzr nern lbh ragre nsgre ernqvat n fpebyy.
I'm looking into it, but would like more information if you can provide it. What SIGIL color? What GATE color?
Edit: I found a RED SIGIL had unusual scripts which allowed it to be picked up slightly "differently" than the other SIGILS, which could perhaps be your issue. I can't understand how in any circumstances you might pick up more than 1 SIGIL at a time though, so are you sure it was two SIGILS and not a SIGIL and a LORDSTOP? A LORDSTOP could be used up right as you open a gate if a LAYER LORD was lurking on the other side, emptying your hands entirely as it were.
I appear to have saved over all the relevant files, but I think it was red and blue? Attached is an image though, I'm holding three things at the same time (and walk with them). I was always able to hold a sigil and the sharp thing pictured here at the same time, which might not have been intended by you. It comes down to the order you pick things up.