Cool stuff~! Very "on the nose" interpretation of the theme and good use of minimalist DEFCON visuals. Glad to see a fellow Godot Wildjammer out in the wild. I will say, that the gameplay did get quite repetitive for myself. Wasn't sure if this was the intention but I just ended up spamming the Build Diplomacy card. Honestly, I think I just mashed that guy for maybe like 4-5 minutes up until year 2050.
If I could give a couple notes:
- I would switch to toggle buttons rather than clicking. Like I click once and that policy is active. Clicking others deactivates. Could have cards that let you select more than one policy at once. Would prevent strain, my mouse finger hurty.
- Maybe some sort of quick UI indication of what each card does. Like a symbol reflecting one of the societal factors on the cards with a negative or plus symbol.
- If I'm interpreting the intent of the game correctly, I don't think the game has an ending. But it would be nice to have one just as a lil' treat or incentive for being such a good AI. Could still be sold as a "bad" ending narratively.
Either way, good stuff~!
- S.