I am not a good wedding planner 🤣🤣 I thought the taking notes was very useful, I rarely see games where you are given a notepad that can record details so it's a nice feature for a game that requires memory. The procedural generation of the wedding scene was also very well done, I enjoyed seeing all the different styles that you could make - I even purposely just went and chose my own items without considering the requests of the client 😂but it would result in failure every time. The music remix of each wedding theme in different styles was a fun touch also - and the music was very pleasant to listen to in the main menu. I tried to activate winlolwz and I also am wondering why Lyra is getting married twice at the beginning 🤣The character sprites were very nicely designed also, I enjoyed seeing each one of them. Overall, well done game in just a week - lots of art assets and procedural generation made the game world feel larger than just the computer and notepad in the office - awesome job!
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Thanks for the feedback!
> I rarely see games where you are given a notepad that can record details
Lots of older games had a nice lil' notes thingy- took inspiration of them.
> The music remix of each wedding theme in different styles was a fun touch also -
Ethan did a great job with them, we were laughing a lot in the VC first time we heard the Jazz one.
> wondering why Lyra is getting married twice at the beginning
Well Lyra was a bit too hard to handle! First couple got divorced, but well! Lyra was so happy of our services she planned her re-marry with us XD
Thanks for playing!