Heya, sharing my thoughts as I played! I normally leave detailed feedback to try to help people so these are just details observed as I played, and does not in any way mean I didn't like the game-quite the contrary. And of course please feel free to disregard if they don't align with your intent!
What the game did well:
- Nice menu animations.
These babies are very well-drawn, and the colour choice is great for the mood. - Good visual feedback on the selections. Almost everything has a visual feedback, there was rarely a point where I got confused what to do.
- Juxtaposition of the scene is nice - eg the big green and red buttons, the parents' biography, I p[ersonally found it was very well thought out.
- Secret directives are intruiging.
- Small details like animation on the letter when it arrives, and the way the game flows and guides you where to click, led to a very smooth and intuitive overall experience.
Things I felt could be improved but it could be just me!:
- At the start, consider making the baby tag glow so I know I have to drag and drop it
- Found myself wishing the baby's info and selection glow would appear by hovering instead of neccesitating a click. It would've been much smoother and faster to quickly compare babies as their blood type, an important info, is only shown upon selection. This was especially the case as the game ran on and I started to feel its length. As a result, when four babies appeared, I sometimes just did a 50:50 guess than checking as I felt the hassle to do accurate checks. Sorry I know I'm a lazy person haha.
- On that note, it might be just me but I think the game could've been more tightly 'compressed', either less stages or less babies per round to keep it exciting without feeling repetitive especially in story mode, and let endless mode be the lengthy one. I wanted to stop to try other games, but I also kinda didn't want to leave the game hanging. Personally I wanted to see if there was going to be a resolution to the directives. Though in a way, you can see this as a good point as it drew me in longer than I normally do.
- Before the babies load, if you drag the 'baby tag' and drop it over the bottom before the babies' spawn animation finishes, the tag will freeze. You will be unable to pick it up as it freezes in position. Selecting the baby or the tag did nothing.
- Thankfully the game had a save system so I didn't have to restart the first time? However when this bug occured on the second stage with 5 babies, I exited to menu and when I came back, there was some message and when I clicked ok, I was back at stage 1.
Overall, fantastic job to the team!!