How would I do that? And also, is this compatible with VisuStella's plugins? Because VisuStella plugins are pretty much essential to MZ, and if a plugin doesn't work with them it's a severe downside!
Viewing post in [ANSWERED] Pokemon Rumble-style System
When you download the demo, you'll see a Palworld map where you can capture and make friendly creature attack for you. Then you can check those creature events to see how I evented it. To make creatures run toward you when you press a button is pretty easy, but you gotta event it, you gotta create that feature your own using the plugin. The plugin isn't one click to solve all problems but rather provides you tools so you can create your own features, it allows you to be creative.
For me, I'll add a conditional branch Input.isTriggered('b'), then under it, I switch self variable to <running toward player> and add movement route move toward player. Now, If I press b, all creatures will automatically run toward me.
The same can be done for combo increasing gold/exp: You can create that own feature using the plugin.