This game is great! The art-style is very charming, and I love the money-managing gameplay loop of deciding on whether to buy consumables, trapping items, or save for skill upgrades, when you're in the shop. And when you're in a floor, you have to consider whether you can afford to go without healing or whether you can even catch another ghost this level, to get more money and conserve resources.
I felt like the Dodge skill wasn't very useful. Giving the opponent an extra turn, in exchange for two turns of them getting a (at max 30%) chance to miss isn't ever really a good thing, since it's an on-average 40% chance to still get hit, despite wasting a turn. It's only kinda useful if you're stalling for item uses, but even then, it's not that useful.
I was a bit disappointed that you could only encounter the three Warrior ghosts once, rather than them becoming recurring (although hopefully rare) enemies, since their higher strength and more expensive catch items made the game more entertainingly difficult. Although, I think the Green Warrior is more difficult than the Yellow Warrior, so should probably be put first.
With allowing the Warriors to respawn (maybe just the Yellow?), or just adding some more difficult-to-beat common enemies with more expensive catch items, plus some more consumables/permanent upgrades (eg an item to do increased damage, or allow an extra move, or a permanent upgrade to increase max health or upgrade your radar (like showing the types of ghosts on radar, or items on the ground)), I'd love to play an endless mode or longer, non-endless mode of this game!