Hey Neat, nice job with your game, definitely my favourite of yours. Overall, the game's pretty impressive, but I just wanted to point out a few nit-picks (which with all these ratings, uv probs already heard, but here we go!)
Whilst I like the onomatopoeia sounds, they often stacked together to create a jumble of noise (zZzjumpzpingZzZzshiny...) They added to the cutesy nature, but I think they could have been more spaced, or perhaps better mixed to avoid this. Another thing was the background merging with the foreground, it was quite hard to tell what was walls and what was background, particularly with the fog. There was also a few times that I went between rooms and instantly ended up in lava. Give the transition a second to finish and prevent the player from moving until they can see what's ahead. Another thing was that the 'random' drones all felt the same, and it wasn't obvious what the ones with different colour attacks do. Final thing I wanna say was that the boss was pretty boring, with only one attack and a seemingly infinite health pool. Try varying it with new attacks or phases and a bit less health. The best bosses (imo) have less health, but each hit is really tough to land, making each successful hit feel meaningful. That's obviously not the only way to do it, just a friendly suggestion =)
Anyways, the game was seriously cool, and I actually got here from a friend recommending it to me as it was one of their favourites. I see what they mean, really good game! You've definitely got a crazy pool of stuff, you just need to allocate a bit more time to polish. Good luck with your future projects!
If the dung beetles love worm poop so much, why do they wanna kill all of the worms?