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Some controls and some screen transitions are buggy, but the game is pretty fun. You can get kind of lost, but i think it is more a part of the game than a issue. I loved the idea of giving abilities by acquiring new scarfs and the enemies, besides don't being much of a nuisance or difficulty, they are very well positioned and give you some trouble when going through rooms. Fun game to play.

Thanks for the kind words!  Especially in regards to the enemy placement.  

> Some controls and some screen transitions are buggy...You can get kind of lost

Working on an 'After Jam' edition which will add many more screens but also fix the control and screen transition issues and add a map screen, so stay tuned!  :)  

I don't know if i was clear, but i did not want to mean that the screen transirions make me feels i am lost. Actually, the part of getting kind of lost was a related to other thing: I had to frequently revisit already visited rooms to make sure I did not lose a peguin or a green yarnball. The absence of a minimap makes me go round and round. But i think it is part of the metroid-vania-thing.

(1 edit)

Oh sorry, yeah, I truncated those two comments together, but I did understand that you meant them to be two different issues 'buggy transitions' and separately 'get kind of lost'.

Anyway, just released the 'After Hours Jam Edition' which fixes the transitions and adds a mini-map so hopefully that helps a little on both counts.  :)