I don't think I really understood what was going but maybe I was running into bugs? Sometimes I would start the first room of the first level and the platforms wouldn't move before the lava killed me. Other times there wouldn't be any exit doors. When things were working for me it was fun. I like frustration platformers and this seems to be working in that world. It took me a second to realize I was choosing my path. I thought that was pretty neat.
I think an important aspect of frustration platformers is they need to be consistent in their inconsistency. This felt very random how things were going to go when I got into a level and so it seemed less about me remembering and more about if the cards were going to fall my way. Its possible that I was just unlucky and running into a lot of bugs. I think that's one of the risks in these kinds of games. You are trying walk that fine line between fun and frustrating and its such a razors edge that the game needs to really be tight. I just think you needed more time. It seems like a big undertaking for a jam and I think you did a good job given the time constraints I just wonder if down scoping some things would have allowed for more time to playtest and iron out the handful of issues and really smooth out the game.