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A member registered Feb 18, 2024

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finding the boss can defiantly be tricky. The level generation I made for the last level can result in some really mazelike levels that take a while to explore. It sort of does the sound pooling you are talking about but its one play per frame. Could have probably go a bit more with that and only play once every few frames like you said. Getting suck isn't intended in your grenades but we didn't have enough time to find a solution for it. I'm glad you enjoyed the game

Well itch ate my post so I quickly retype: 

I had fun with this one. I think the difficulty ramp for the waves could have been a little steeper. I think it was fine as I was getting upgrades but after that I kind of wanted it to get harder quicker. I played through mostly using the rubber band gun but did waves 34-38 with melee only and then did a few with the stapler when I noticed I could swap guns. Art was really good. I like the animations and VFX for the enemies. 

Thanks for the game

This was our first time getting a web build working for a project and I defiantly agree there were some audio issues some times. I ran into a case (that I could never repro reliably) where the audio would stutter. The grenade projectile collision was a rough part of the game. I really wanted to implement some one way collision. Then you could walk out of the holes. I did not have enough time to do that. I'm hoping to take some time after the jam to address some of the issues and features we could not get to.

Thanks for playing.

Thanks for playing. All valid feedback. The damage numbers were a late at and we didn't have time to tune them so they worked nice with low damage erasers. None of us are audio people and we tend to struggle with getting the mix right for sounds. There is a sound when the portal appears but it can be covered up by all the other stuff that is going on. I had thought about making things trigger on their own but with the grenade holes having collision I thought it was best to leave that for the player to manage. You are able to hold down the attack buttons and have it trigger on cooldown though. 

Given more time we'd spend some time on the audio mix. Fix some of the settings bugs (the sliders all have labels they just don't work on web). I'd also like to spend some time tweaking the erase on the enemies to see how that changes the feel. I think there is some potential around the enemies getting harder to track the closer to death but its not something we leaned into so it just seems out of place and more of a broken thing then a gameplay choice. 

Thanks again for playing and the feedback

I don't think I really understood what was going but maybe I was running into bugs? Sometimes I would start the first room of the first level and the platforms wouldn't move before the lava killed me. Other times there wouldn't be any exit doors. When things were working for me it was fun. I like frustration platformers and this seems to be working in that world.  It took me a second to realize I was choosing my path. I thought that was pretty neat.

I think an important aspect of frustration platformers is they need to be consistent in their inconsistency. This felt very random how things were going to go when I got into a level and so it seemed less about me remembering and more about if the cards were going to fall my way. Its possible that I was just unlucky and running into a lot of bugs. I think that's one of the risks in these kinds of games. You are trying walk that fine line between fun and frustrating and its such a razors edge that the game needs to really be tight. I just think you needed more time. It seems like a big undertaking for a jam and I think you did a good job given the time constraints I just wonder if down scoping some things would have allowed for more time to playtest and iron out the handful of issues and really smooth out the game.

Glad you liked it. I also like survivor games.

Thanks for playing

(1 edit)

Heh yeah I had done it right away before we even had an idea. Our artist saw when I had (it was just a left to right wipe at this point) and said oh can you make it like erase in strips. Cue spending way more time then I planned on that effect :-p. 

I agree somewhat on enemy health we really wanted to sell the erase aspect of it (its also why they linger a bit after death) and so we ran with it. I think you are right figuring out a way to have the enemies more visible would make things more readable. 

All the sfxs were made with a simple wave modulator like 

Thanks for playing!

Hey thanks for playing. Controller support came late and the triggers don't work on web :(. The remapping screen could have definitely used some work but I wanted to try and get it in there. Our artist did an amazing job on all the art. The hand drawn UI really came together once we had everything converted away from the default godot skins. I learned a bunch about skinning UI in godot. 

Thanks for playing and the kind words. The gummy bear was originally just invincibility and when adding effects and sounds to make the power ups feel better our teammate made you grow big. Then he had the idea of making you able to stop enemies. He had unknowingly combined invincibility with another power up idea but it was better the way he did it. There wasn't anything that really explains what the power ups do and I agree the gummy bear isn't the most obvious. All the others have more immediate and obvious outcomes. 

I also like making a wall of death with all the upgrades. I really want to solve the getting stuck in your attacks. It was a tough problem I tried a few things to solve but nothing really worked well enough to keep. 

Thanks for playing. We were doing so upgrade runs for most of dev and the ending was too easy. We rebalanced the end in the last hours so your build had more of a payoff. I think with some tweaks a no upgrade runs could be possible but I think in the end it was the right call to make the ending a little more exciting. 

This was fun but I was missing one or more and couldn't find them. Still fun though. The FPC controls were pretty good even for a web project. 

The OG design was the portal was going to be hidden under one of those ink blobs... It was not fun :)

oh crap I must have missed that some how. I'll try again look

Very neat. Seems like a lot of work but the effect was well worth it.

Came to see what my wife spent multiple hours of her life on. Stayed because you made a great game!

The holes were one of the first things we thought of and worked on. It turned out really well. It was made by our team member fvzappa and this was his first game jam! This was a rough theme for us. Took us a really long time to get going on a game idea and it only game together in the last few days.  Thanks for playing!

This was pretty fun. I killed over 2000 enemies. Is there a way to figure out what the perks do? I had no idea what to erase so I was just trying different things.  I dug the stationary theme. It went well with the jam theme. 

Great job.

This was fun! I was very bad at flappy_frog and I think I would have done a lot better if I could just get that dang frog through the gaps. Fun idea. I didn't really know when I was supposed turn out the lights and stuff it seemed like constantly there were noises before I died. Maybe I just took too long :)

Thanks for the game.

I am so bad at typing games even though I type for a living. This was a fun spin on a typing game. when the letters started to run I thought is was really funny at first and then it was just a constant source of anxiety when I would get to a new "word" 

Great Job

I think that's what happened I triggered a dialog while in a dialog. I really hate bugs where it seems like there's no good solution. I'll try again and I'll be more mindful of moving while in a dialog :).

I liked this. It was a fun puzzle to figure out how to survive. I took me a little while to figure out how to play. I didn't realize I needed to select my cards and then click where I wanted them to go. It also wasn't clear to me at first if I would still take damage from an enemy that I would defeat in that hand if I didn't also block. I think I made it to the end (don't want to give anything away) and that fight was hard. I didn't not make it. This is something I'd play again. Especially if you have a chance to add more "Juice" which is the only think I think you were lacking

Thanks for playing! That's a pretty good score. You really killed a lot of slimes! I agree getting stuck in grenade hole sucks. I wanted to try and do something to fix it (let you walk out but not back in) but as with most jams there was too much to do and not enough time. Offsetting the attack could be a cool way to address it so long as the player was in control so they could still put the damage where they wanted. I'll think about that for an after jam update!

This was pretty fun. I hit a bug part way through the story where I just kept walking into a wall and couldn't stop. I'm going to come back later to see if I can't finish the story. Really good job.

Was really excited when I saw this, I'm a big papers please fan. I agree it was tough to know if I was supposed to be following all the rules that had ever been displayed or only the ones that were on the screen. In Papers Please you get feedback right away that you messed up a check. I think here it would help reinforce what you are supposed to be doing. Are you planning on tweaking after the jam at all? I'd be interested where you take it next.

Nice little game. The planet erasing was pretty cool. I'm curious what method you used to erase the planets. I was really wishing I had a better indicator for the cooldown of my pulse. The shop items seemed cool but I they were all so expensive. I couldn't seem to generate money well enough to afford most of them before I died. Its also possible I'm just very bad at this game. Were the planets all hand drawn or did you do some sort of procedural 2d pixel planet generation? Very cool looking either way.

Thanks for the game!

Great game, art was really good. How did you do the drop shadows on the different layers? I was able to return all gems to my hoard. The platforming was pretty good though I did feel a bit floaty but then again I was a dragon so maybe thematically it fit. I agree with OtulissaXIV the bunnies were the hardest enemy.

Nice job and neat idea on the freeze mechanic. Very Super Hot VR. I had a lot of fun dodging around and trying to find clever ways to use the time stop. Well done.

Pretty good concept and first GWJ so nice job. I'll parrot some of the other comments. I didn't have much trouble with the enemies. I got into a rhythm and stopped needing to freeze. I was killing things before they were even on screen a lot of the time. There was a bug with the freeze mechanic you can retrigger it while its active giving you more time in the frozen state. Not sure if that was intentional but it did allow for an easier time marking all the enemies. I got to over 2,000,000 points and over 500x multiplier and called it quits. Really all this needs is an ending or a difficulty ramp that eventually becomes overwhelming and you've got the full package. You could also consider a cool down on shooting or some kind of ammo/reload mechanic so it mattered more that my shots hit or not.

In the end I had fun and was just missing the closure of an ending

Yeah they can be tricky at first but the ability to make small behaviors and build them into more complex ones is really powerful. I'd be down to chat if you'd like.

I think the forgiving respawn was the right call especially for the game jam. I think health could play a bigger role with different enemies or hazards? I think in the present state I only took damage from the lava and when the birds fell on me.  Were you planning on a 2nd level and ran out of time? The section after the portal seems like the start of another level but maybe it was meant as a final challenge.

This was super cool. Really liked the retro arcade look to it. The shield color mechanic was pretty neat but might be an issue for folks with Chromatopsia. Might want to consider changing the shield pattern or shape as a secondary indicator for what shield you have up. Same with the color of the lasers from the enemies. I had trouble telling apart the blue and the green ones.  I liked your freeze mechanic and I love when people spin it into a long acronym!

Great first submission to the GWJ I look forward to seeing what your team does next!

Spooky for sure. You got at least two jumps out of me :). It took me a while to figure out what to do but I'm not the best at these kinds of games. It was really hard to see out of the lockers so I had some trouble using them to hide.

Pretty good, I don't think I want to live with that lady

Hey thanks for checking us out. We did a postcard for Petrified yesterday. Did you get a chance to see it? I can pull up the text if you missed it. 

Oh thanks so much. The AI is just a state machine and some pretty dumb move towards the location walking. We didn't end up using pathing at all. The flashlight is a cone topped with a hemisphere and some additive alpha. That represents the vision cone of the people. They have three states. Wonder, Chase, and idle. Wonder is the big one. Handles following a pre set path of points for patrolling it also handles getting them back to either their patrol or sentry location. Chase handles them following the player and sitting to alert others around them. Idle just handles them standing still and being in sentry mode. Idle also does the snow ball throwing. I wish I had a behavior tree to handle the logic it's pretty messy in there. Let me know if there's anything more specific you are interested in

This was fun. The controls felt really good. I managed to not hit any penguins on my first run so I went back and tried. I wish I could back through more penguins without losing as much speed but I'm guessing they are there as something to avoid and not something to play with :). I did have some trouble spotting the UI on the main menu and in the game after I full screened. I assume this was because of the UI is Real wildcard but I would probably make your main menu buttons pop more and the UI a bit bigger post jam if you are going to tweak things :). 

awesome job

Wow. that was hard and hard was harder... Took me a bit to find how to change the difficulty but I figured it out. First play through I wasn't aware that miss clicks caused the speed up so it was pure chaos. Once I figured that out it was a bit easier. Are the bombs unclickable when they are initially spreading out? I feel like I was clicking it but it wasn't taking. 

Nice job.

Thanks for playing! It was really difficult to keep the "UI is Real" wildcard and help with hints and stuff. We tried to be subtle where we needed less then real gameplay indicators. I'm glad you were able to mess around and get the idea. Did you end the game by getting on the platform and interacting? You can do that at any time and get your "score" represented by the crowd you end up drawing to look at you shine.

Thanks again for playing!

This was a lot of fun. I enjoyed your platform mechanics and you built some of your puzzles around them well. I had a hard time finding my last green gem but was able to find it in the end. Sound design was very nice as well. I was curious if the decision to not punish falling off made late or part of the core design from the start?

Thanks for playing! I am always surprised by how much folks get done in these jams. Our artists are amazing. Every time we set up to do one I am always concerned we've bitten off more than we can chew especially for Art and then our art folks keep kicking butt. In every jam I have done there has been art we haven't used because we ran out of time. I need to do better as a gameplay person to keep up with them.

There is a web server that has the image and some json to provide the text and link. Its similar to how a leaderboard would work where you've got just a bit of external data that gets loaded from the web.