Thanks for the positive feedback! I am pleasant that the paper style caught your attention, to me it was just a cheap trick to not fill the colours, I personally find drawing on paper more comfortable so that's where my idea of the paper aesthetic could've came from
If I didn't suffer the consequences of drinking spoiled milk on the first day o the jab and stopped procrastinating I'd make you a half life 3 (not really) it was the last day of the jam when I finally decided to make levels for the game, and when I thought that checkpoints would be nice but I was too anxious that I'd not finish in time (I had fourteen hours left and the checkpoint code could be as simple as 2 variables)
in terms of the background, I just ripped a jpg from google search and turned it into a tile map but that's no excuse to not invest time in seamless textures, I'll attempt to spend more time on the game next time
I never thought of the ball absorbed ink, it never came to my mind I just followed Brackey's tutorial and made coins a pick up, I don't remember the thoughts I had at the time but I made the ball crumpled paper since the physics behaved like a crumpled paper, at the end of the game you can hear my yap about the game if that somehow motivates you to complete it.
Before the jam started I hoped for the theme of geography to win so I came up with an idea for a game where you are a field engineer and you clear a path for an unreliable tank to pass through many different types of terrain, when the theme of geography lost I thought I'd just make a game with the same premise but its the jungles of Vietnam and you keep getting ambushed by partisans, I even started making a sprite in adobe mediafire 8 just to realise I can't make rigs in that program, also very early into the jam I realised that may be too hard for a first game, so I decided to add a physics ball to the game and trashed papers was born
Once again thanks for playing the game :3