I haven’t tried it with someone else - only alone. It seems fun as a concept and the simple visuals and mechanics are also appealing. A few things I noticed:
- “Turn” is being read as T U R N, separate letters, which is confusing. I only realized what the word was when I was writing this review. All I was hearing was “T you are in”. Then when writing it down was when I realized it was spelling the word.
- I thought this would be a memory game where we start by selecting letters but then eventually we have to remember what letter the other person (and us) chose already. This is interesting and fun at its core concept without adding extra stuff. But you add some stuff for spice, presumably. My question is: I don’t understand why some letters start as green and some don’t. Like in my first turn I can set a trap without knowing it. This isn’t explained in the instructions. I also don’t quite understand the purpose of it, and would like to know the reasoning behind it (adding more challenge is a good enough reason!)
- On the same note, I don’t know how to check at the start of each game (if playing without visuals) which letters are already green or not. Unless I’m not supposed to know and it’s random and secret at the start of every game.
- Also, I can’t play the downloadable version for some reason? I can’t find the game file. If it’s “workermain” it gets an error.
I also think it could have a collaborative version if you think about upgrading the game. That could be super fun. And hopefully some online version when you have the resilience and wish to break your brain trying to figure it out! Haha.
I like it, it’s simple and effective. Unfortunately I don’t really know how to test it with a friend because it has to be in person… but if I can snatch someone I’ll come and edit the rating if I have something to change. :)
Very many congratulations for the idea and achievement of making a fully accessible multiplayer game.