> You're basically explaining to me the very same thing which I've described in previous posts.
Actually, I'm explaining that people's definition of 'progress' in a NSFW is often not like SFW games. In essence, the very 'rules' of good game design regarding pushing the player forward to new content are looser, and even counterproductive when a player wants to have consequences that hold them back due to failure.
> current state of affairs is not what was advertised.
If that's how you feel, with the seriousness that you express it, I suggest you take it up with the dev.
On the other hand, If you want a hand in development, subscribe to her Patreon.
> I won't start on how massively this is irrelevant to Itch.io
It doesn't matter whether it is or is not relevant to Itch.io. Games have genres. Tags, labels, what-have-you. Google also exists. You look up a game. See what's in it. See if you might like it. And everybody's got their own thing they enjoy. It makes no sense to go around lobbying to change the content of games you don't like, even though there is nothing objectively wrong with that content, in such a way that other people who love that content, which is rare, will no longer have it. Just go play something else. The point of serious criticism is to point out things that are objectively bad. Not things that are perfectly fine but one person doesn't happen to like because they prefer something else. That's just a monologue on your video game preferences. Which is fine. But it's not serious criticism of this video game.
It'd be like if I go on Steam and say "Hey. Crypt of the Necrodancer is great and really fun, but I don't want to dance to a rhythm while dungeon crawling. It's distracting and annoying to me personally. Remove the music please. And stop making the shopkeeper fight the player when attacked. I just want to attack him if I want without consequence. And---"
It doesn't make any sense.
I would suggest that maybe whatever Discord drama seems to be animating your commentary might be some of the source of your ire. I am quite unaware of it, so I'm unsure of how I would be participating in it.