Hello, I have played through the game and NG+, and had a number of half-finished playthroughs. I enjoy it a great deal. It's probably one of the best bondage-themed titles out there. However, there are some things that I think could be improved. Allow me to share my thoughts.
Probably my biggest disappointment and also the easiest to fix, since the pose is already in the game. Why are there no frogties? Come on. I accidentally got into one when I opened all the shadow chests at the edge of reality, and one applied a petsuit, while another one added a boxbinder, which normally could not go with the petsuit. Frogtie ropes, belts, leg irons, and legbinders would be nice to have. And leather binder for the arms which locks them in the same position as a pet suit, but without affecting the legs.
Excessive and silly layering
It should not be possible to wear multiple sets of ankle or thigh cuffs, multiple armbinders, straitjackets etc. Some layring is OK, but it should be kept realistic. Less excessive layering would also help with the issue of just too many colors appearing on the character, which is visually unappealing. Maybe make individual restraints more punishing to compensate.
Faction relationships are a mess that inevitably draw the player towards a murder hobo playstyle
The most serious offenders are probably the Nevermore Trainers. They LOVE the Bandits, and they are LOVED by other factions, such as the Bounty Hunters, who HATE the Bandits. So when you demolish the Bandits and antagonize their Nevermore allies, you will easily get into conflict with Bounty Hunters. If you take any three factions, chances are that two will hate each other, and two will love each other, and there will be an overlap. You can't kick the ass of any faction without indirectly drawing the ire of another faction who nominally hates them, because there is a common ally inbetween. I think factions should be groupped into cliques with less overlap.
Power scaling is off
The game starts quite hard, but with the right build, you can become invincible real fast. By the last third of my first playthrough, I was almost invincible. Then I put on Fuuka's collar in the NG+, and things got even more broken. I think the game should become harder, rather than easier, as you progress.
The game discourages getting into bondage...
Getting jailed usually results in a soft lock. Sometimes you get broken out, once. Sometimes your would-be rescuers get massacred in 5 seconds and your ass gets hauled straight back to your cell, and apparently, no second rescue attempt will happen. And getting restrained in a fight very often results in a snowball effect that you can't get out of. This encourages the player to do all they can to avoid bondage, which isn't hard at all, because of the power scaling issue. It removes the fun from the game, though. I think jails should never be indefinite, there should be a guaranteed way to either work your way out somehow or get released if certain conditions are met. Perhaps, there should be a way to improve your relationship with the jail's owning faction, and get released once you erased your reputation debt.
In the itch.io version of the game, collected journal entities don't persist with code-based saves. The chosen palette for restraints and armors don't persist if they are unequipped. Many of the palettes with certain restraints look completely broken, such as making the item completely black. There was one time on a witches' coven map where an exit stair did not generate. The Warden and Fuuka can't put their custom restraints on you if you capture them, make them serveants, and flirt with them. They can't give you their reward collar and belt, either, once they are serveants. There is also a rather nasty bug that just randomly replaces a weapon in the hot bar with another one in the hotbar. For example, you have unarmed and a torch and rope in your hotbar, the next moment you have twice unarmed and rope, with the torch gone. It's really annoying.