Accessibility-wise, this game’s fine. It admittedly took me a bit to notice that there was a settings menu, but that’s on me; I should’ve looked at the page more rather than just smashing enter. It’s remarkable that you not only included a choice between TTS and a screen reader, but TTS adjustment settings, and even keyboard adjustment – I’ve played several games that only account for the US layout, so that’s great!
All of the settings work as they should, too. Screen reader support’s a touch wonky, with rather awkward pauses, likely because you tried to account for a much slower speech rate than I am using. Given there aren’t many tools – especially web-based – for checking when a given string has finished speaking, that’s fair enough. I have not encountered any bugs during gameplay, either.
But the gameplay itself is … unrewarding. Merely picking out the fastest and loudest sound is not particularly challenging or enjoyable, and at least for me, the time limit only adds annoyance to the mix. Besides, why bother when I get fined even just for trying? “Fuck you for your service,” more like.
There isn’t any story or flavour to keep me coming back, either. All I learn is that I’m on a spaceship and there’s a creature I need to throw out, and “winning” does not reward me with any more information like that. Nor do I get to enjoy the creature’s angry roar or scared squeak as it flies into space. I even tried sitting for a while and letting the little troublemaker destroy things to its heart’s content, but there were no fun destroying sounds, nor a hilarious game-over screen.
In short, if not for it being a jam submission, I would have no desire to replay this game. And given what I can see of your coding skills, and the fact that you submitted this 9 whole days before the deadline, I am quite confident that this is not the best work you could have produced.