Never heard of that at all. But good to know.
And I figured. The name "Komodo" was kinda self-explanatory.
But it doesn't tell me what kind of culture his tribe is in.
I mean, it helps knowing the general area is based on Bali tho.
(Are people there as cute as Reksa too? ^_^ )
His people is clearly a warrior culture.
Is the Manggarai a warrior culture?
Or are they more inspiration for the bird people?
I'll run it through my AI.
It's excellent in digging up info on things like this.
....within it's 1000 words limit at least. lol
Based on the behavior of Reksa and the people in the village, I can theorize that strength and warrior skills are important.
The talk of honor and dishonor (with the face scarring and battle prowess) hints at an honor-culture.
(Which isn't exactly uncommon outside modern western civilization. And is also common in many warrior cultures.)
I don't know if the way Reksa acted with the mc is his personality or not, but the fact that no one else reacted to it makes me think that claiming a woman without asking her permission AND that his rival thought he could claim her at all indicates a 'might makes right' mindset.
But it's tricky to be sure what is culture and what the the manipulative/corrupted hot guy's imposed rules.
Except Reksa DO talk about what duties are expected and stuff like that, so I think he could be used as a moral guideline....
If you want to offer proper world building of your world, without interrupting the story, why not create the world at World Anvil, or a similar page, and link it?
That way people can choose if they want to learn more or not, outside the gameplay itself. ^_^
I used my AI assistant to help me create a theory on their culture (for my fanfic).
(Most of it comes from tribal warrior cultures, and similarities in them. Paired with what little I could gleam from the game itself.)
Could you tell me if I'm hitting anywhere near the mark?
Obviously I need to adjust it with this new info, but as a baseline....
(Oh, and I know he's not adopted in the game. That part is for the fanfic I planned. Cuz.... Just look at the two characters!
Black hair.... Green eyes.... Duknow. The likeness just hit me when I played it. lol)