Wow, a big thanks for these. ❤️ Quite of lot of things that no one has noticed (or bothered to point) out that aren't even new from the most recent patch.
I think trinketinator being optional would make it too good. I kinda like having things with downsides so they pose as a choice for the player. Like in that case it would be the best choice to sacrifice Bob to get rid of that ability if your pearl effects were more desirable. I called trinkets relics in code and ended up calling them trinkets later on. Looks like some of my internal naming confusions have bled to the UI side too.
Genie event - dice is indeed coming from parsing the crew names. For the frog game word recognition, I have a list of all possible three letter words in a list.
Divine fights in the end game are supposed to be big threats and even run killers really. Allowing you to back off from it would kinda make them pointless and not scary. Guess the fight should show combinations of numbers your damage dice can roll (ie. take boost trinket into account).