I decided to play this game on a bit of a whim honestly, and I'm glad I did. For one person, you really did a marvelous job.
The fact that everyone is robes aside from their mouth and jaw gives it all a very impersonal feeling, and as a person who has skimmed over cults it seems like you invested some research into them as well!
(The loss of oneself, the preying on the vulnerable, the fact the vulnerable continue to be so by being overworked and investing all of their money into the religion)
A part of me is pretty sure the 'Dream' of the High Priest is real, however I am slightly confused as to how the High Priest gets away with it what with the need for the MC to be 'pure' for the god.
And perhaps I just didn't find a way around it, but the fact that the only thing different between the endings is the flavor text of how the MC feels gives the whole thing a sense of chilling inevitability.
They invested their whole selves into the religion, there is no escape for them even when they do realize it, as the people they believe to be friends care more about the God and pleasing him over the terror their friend feels.
The small section with Olivia when you try to run is heartbreaking as you ask for help, only to not receive it.
Either way you will end up with your God, either willingly or not and that is so heartbreaking to think about when considering the MC.
Thank you again for making this vn, you did a fantastic job and I can't wait to see more of your work!