It has a neat artstyle, it lacks proper rendering at times becasue I can be behind the boss and the player sprite would be rendered in front of the boss. You can get this by changing the Sort Axis Y to 1 and have the bosses, the logs with spikes and the player be in the same sorting layer and same order in layer in the sprite renderer, and Unity will automatically render player behind the boss or the logs if they are in a higher Y position, the only thing that could happen is that you may need to play around with the pivots but normally they don't give much of an issue usually.
The SFX from the main menu and the starting cutscene I don't think they fit the game very well, they sound kinda 16bit when the rest of the SFX feel high definition, I think sticking to the hd sfxs would extremely benefit this game.
Combat is really nice, it has a unique spin to the whole genre, in which I have to porpusefully get myself killed while a something is automatically shooting homing projectiles to kill the boss before I can get myself killed. I really liked it, but I feel the bosses are extremely weak and it's pretty hard to lose before they die, specially the second boss.
Overall, good game with lots of potential in the future with a good artstyle. Good job