Earned rank dawg! that was an insane entry! GG
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as people said: an indicator when you grab a wall, a map of the ship and maybe even a live location of the batterys would levitate the expeience of this game by a lot! Right now this game has a lot of content stretch! i played for almost 20 minutes and still have only two of the three batteries with no motivation to look for the third one! having more diiferent rooms so exploration becomes more interesting would also be nice, but thats not to expect on a one week game jam! overall lots of potential here, great job!
Nice little stealth game! 1.id make the dialogue a little faster, cause it feels really dragging right now 2. this game is missing a lot of creativity, actually knowing who your character is, what he wants to steal and why would add SO much to the player fantasy! right now this feels really prototypeish… But thats fair for a one person solo project you did a good job and thats a solid foundation
This is an EXTREMELY impressive entry, this is made by one person makes it eaven crazier! the concept is insanely innovative! this feels like matric X bullettrain! theres something so satzisfying about it! Be proud of yourself man! i think i would have gone about it in more like a level ish way… if you plan to keep working on this ( really do consider that) you could make the game like it is rn into like an infinite mode! those two would go along well i imagine!
My Game crashed just when i beat the game ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
Great game took me about 130 deaths, half of them on the level with the minecraft block level and the other half on the final boss! Great game, really funny! Also magnus skin goes hard!!! As a one person job at only 13 years you can be really proud of yourself!
Imma be honest i thought this game was going to be kinda mid when playing the first level, but when the moving blocks mechanic got introduced i was really sold! this prooves that gameplay is everything, saving that dude felt sooo satisfying! You can really consider making this a full game i think people would be interested in playing it!
YOu can be proud of yourself, cause you did an amayzing job
Chat i think if won the game
Nah fr tho this game is really great, i had a lot of fun! if you wanna polish stuff here is a little list of things :
1.random bug where grilled crickets started spawning
2. once i got a carrot soup from the fridge
3. if you try catching the girl above the grill she starts glitching
4. walk speed differs.. (maybe your missing walkspeed* time.delta time?)
5.Monster got knocked back by clearing the fridge ( but than the girl wasnt spawning)
1. make the chef escape the denture faster by spamming space
2. only make the raw crickets despawn not the grilled ones, that would add a little risk reward there
3. you might want to rework the mosnter sprite too look more like on the cover art XD cause the cover art is dope!!!
Overall one of the games that got me addicted the most! You can be proud of yourself! good job!
Hate when i wanna get bread and that happens...
simple but effective! Nice use of the theme, fun and quick to play! great jam game good Job!
had a blast! thank you for not making a it a total rage game by giving us the rooftop checkpoint !!!
i loved the try and error type gameplay, but without the checkpooint i think it would have been to much!
Really cute game! id consider having a split screen or something cause right now helping the heroes was a little unsatisfyxing to me... honestly it took me a while to unblinf myself s i was mostly playing the farming part lol. Great concept!!! If think style wise the assets are matching with the custom sprites, but the pixel resoultion is really off wich makes some stuff look a little weird...
overall great game to good job!
Dude you got 11 people on your team! you guys gotta comment other peoples game to gain attraction!!! this game is underrated af!
the idea is great! its almost educational! i do think it would work as a non-rage game, cause i think you die way to easy so its not even possible to do a minigame while driving (i mean thats kinda the point... but still i tried like 15 times and only got to a max of 2 packages delivered) also i think the map is a little to big! Id make the map smaller and the streets wider and this would be a real banger! Good job everyone!
The art direction on this one is great!!! prooves that taste is more important than technical skill!!! I do feel a little stupid... every level was going smooth but i had some serious struggle on the first one with two boxes... that one really took me a while. Great work! you can be proud of yourself
NAH MY Dawg!!! This game is ballin! Making this as your first game over the course of just one week is actually insane to me!!! you can be really proud of yourself cause this was i think the game ive had the most fun with this jam! The concept is really simple but if actually never seen a linear game where you gain abilitys, but that was absolutely satisfiyng!! Flying over the obstacles you struggled with before feels so good!!!
(i wish there was buttonremaping, i mean not that that would be a realistic critique since i know button remapping is a pain in the ass... but the button layout did confuse me as a celeste player lol) Anyways if your not totally burned out this game has a lot of potential! id definitely play another level og this one if your interested to keep working on it XD
while im here one nitpick: id remove the little red bushes above your deathpits cause they read like they deal damage but they dont! If you wanna give a heads up to the player just add something like a warning sign but i honestly think you could just remove them...
anyways who cares id love to see speedrun video of that game cause i lowkey suck ass lol im at 40 seconds rn how do people get 11XD
This is really impressive solo work! The voice acting is crazy, the minimalst style and polish is insane, the small tape animation and everyting! Also going with a hevay emotional topic into a gamejam is really brave and you did an amazing job at getting this theme across in a sensitive and touching way!
Funny game, good dialogue.. FElt unsatisfying to have the timer run out and nothing happened.. also the level design in the platforming section really needs a readability rework! the objects you stand on are the same as the decoration wich makes you think there are different routes when thers not and you jump into the void! Overall really versatile
and lots of fun ideas! Good job!
Wich art you felt wasnt matching? cause i feel like that was probably just a design choice for the intro... i did the first boss, the main character and the intro cutscene... i was going for a "children book" style, cause having an 8 frame full render would have probably taken me the whole week lol!
i dont think that makes you a masochist lmao, We didnt manage to put particles for the slap in, i do think the main goal of the game should feel rewarding! so your right
hope you had some fun !
Heres our game Oathbound: https://seanjob.itch.io/oathbound
its a reverse bosrush where you try to die
What up Jae, heres our Game Oathbound, a reverse boss rush where you try to die (you can play in browser) https://seanjob.itch.io/oathbound