Thank you so much for playing my game and making video on it, thanks for the feedback and ideas too!, Few people complained about sound already and I think it's best to fully scrap it in the future since most indie stuff doesen't even have that slider and I've proven myself to be unable to code it as it's supposed to be :). I'm really glad and thankful for your compliments and video, all the best, and once again, thank you!
No problem! I've had some sound problems myself in videos like crackling and pops - it's very frustrating dealing with audio it seems like the problem is always hiding behind several layers of random things you may never think of. IMO controlling the sound is actually useful; I've noticed when someone encounters a small inconvenience regarding a game (take the sound slider) - they want to get it fixed on the SPOT; yes you can just press windows key and slide the audio mixer, but people might think alt tabbing breaks games (and it does with some I can't lie) so they'd rather hit esc quit and have the volume right in their face boom problem fixed 3 buttons - esc click volume esc again to resume.
I think you got the slider working fine, but I am sure there's some conflicting code that resets it back (maybe when you straight alt-f4, maybe when you go to a different room etc. or the x position of the slider changes back because the player's got a different resolution on the monitor - you gotta think outside the box - there's tons of stuff players can do which will always reveal some 'bugs', hence it's great you release it now and people can report if they encounter it and how they did.
If you really find coding the slider hard then you can just make a small change to it, instead of being a slider (you can still draw it as a slider) make some big dots along the line like (O-O-O-O) each dot represents volume percentage (0-25%-50%-100%) just keep it simple like that, just a click of one dot and it changes the volume. Anyways sorry for the big walls of text, hopefully you can get something out of it 🥰 Keep up the good work!
Not a problem at all, thank you for your time you took to write this and help me, I'm really grateful and it's nice idea about let's say 4 dots representing 25% of the volume each, it would be easier than the whole mathematics thing counting and calculating I did and cought myself with in this project, I will try and make it better, more responsive in the future. All the best!