No problem at all, friend! As I said, it was great experience and I'm very excited to play your new projects, thanks for going out of your way to play my stuff too, it really means a lot! Wish you all the best!
Vuk Dobric
Creator of
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Thank you for offer but sadly, my game was made in a way that localization would require complete structure change that would take a lot of time and effort and I'm sorry things are that way but I really really hope you find a project to work on to build your portfolio, from your posts I see you messaged quite a few game developers and I recommend doing it even more, someone will need a localization. Wish you all the best and really hope you will find some work! Making moves is only right way to succeed in anything you're doing!
First of all, thanks for playing, and you are right, English isn't my first language and I know there are some mistakes and inconsistances regarding the grammar and I really hope they haven't ruined your and immersion of other players, and I'm really sorry for that, thanks for your compliments and kind words, wish you all the best!
Hello, this is first jam I'm taking part in and I am excited for it, writing this because I have a question regarding your last point, not working on anything jam related before it starts, I've made psx style games before so I have lots of models and textures that fits the style (all of them mine), am I allowed to use those textures? Also is it a problem if it's a horror game, more of a creepy-ish psychological atmospheric experience than a horror, won't be bloody gore, jumpscare filled game but with certain elements of scary, thank you for your time
Not a problem at all, thank you for your time you took to write this and help me, I'm really grateful and it's nice idea about let's say 4 dots representing 25% of the volume each, it would be easier than the whole mathematics thing counting and calculating I did and cought myself with in this project, I will try and make it better, more responsive in the future. All the best!
Thank you so much for playing my game and making video on it, thanks for the feedback and ideas too!, Few people complained about sound already and I think it's best to fully scrap it in the future since most indie stuff doesen't even have that slider and I've proven myself to be unable to code it as it's supposed to be :). I'm really glad and thankful for your compliments and video, all the best, and once again, thank you!
Thanks for commenting and compliments, and massive thanks for feedback regarding the bugs, I'll check the sound thing as it probably isn't a big deal to fix,regarding level design, you are right, I guess I just wanted to have player long enough in the house to be able to let's say "appreciate" work I've put into models and textures and stuff.Regarding motion blur I haven't added any and I'm really not sure why does it looks like there is, probably some dithering artifact or something I'm really not sure and I'm going to look for solution, and again, thank you very much! My game development journey probably wouldn't even go anywhere if it wasn't for you and your video on the first game, and thank you for it! And I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as the first one, all the best.
No sé español, así que estoy usando un traductor, por lo que puede haber errores gramaticales. Muchas gracias por la reseña y el vídeo que hiciste, realmente significa mucho para mí. El primer final se logra haciendo que el jugador vaya en la dirección opuesta en el bosque desde el principio, por lo que no es particularmente importante. ¡Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras!
There will probably be some bugs and issues that me and playtesters didn't notice so I would really appreciate it if you could write what you would/wouldn't change and what you liked/didn't like. And how was your overall experience, And I'm more than happy to answer any question you might have!
Thanks for your time!
Fantastic! Enjoyed it a lot and graphics were spot on, one of the best recreations of ps1 look that I have seen so far! Really nice experience, tho one might say that it was constantly tense and creepy which is in my opinion apsolutely normal since it's short and as you said, fast paced game, congratulations to you and ToxicZombieStudio on making this enjoyable and nice experience, keep it up!