Thanks for replying, but I'm no AI. I went through the entire "All Tags" list on my own, browsing up to 10 pages and projects counts, comparing. You're off here indeed. I’m a Sr Data Analyst by day so I took a few days to comb through.
Can you go through each suggestion individually if you have time? To see what seems sensible or not.
Infinite Runner and Endless runner are nearly synonymous. If it was alias-based, then selecting one would bring up the projects for the other, but it does not do that. That's seems like a fair edit.
Gatcha and Gatch Together have a huge amount of identical projects. Also nearly synonymous. If merged or combined by alias, that could free up one slot in the "All Tags" list for a more popular or relevant tag that's beyond just 300 results.
User Interface and Graphic User Interface. Also, nearly synonymous, both in gaming and in IT industry. A form of combining would be helpful given the overlap. I compared over 10 pages of those, using EXCEL. I'm no AI.
"Wild West" and "Western" also have so much overlap. Combining those would help given the US midwestern / cowboy / desert western / gun-slinger grunge motif that appears across those tagged projects.
I suggested Dark Toony, on my own, you're correct. It'd clearly carve a spot for the cartoon horror/creepy projects from the more realistic horror/dark/slasher/zombie games. I made a Horror genre recommendation because the site has a notorious presence of Horror/Dark/Creepy project tags clutter that overshadows other genres. So, I took a stab at it too.
Again, could you consider each recommendation one by one? I'm fine with any reasonings you provide for each one.
But a blanket dismissal is unfair given the overlaps in some. Even I'm not the 1st to see Flying and Flight could use an alias merge. Hope you understand, @Leafo