Ignore them. They are in the wrong for trying to assemble a team of 8 absolute beginners and one semi-experienced dev and expecting them to cooperate smoothly. Not only that they clearly have no chill. They think everyone should way lower their expectations because it’s all those beginners, but actually, we should lower our expectations because we know he isn’t thinking about others when he makes his games.
He also blames everyone on the team except himself in a different comment for his bad game, when he is the one who chose to be in a team with absolute beginners. Pride is cool but when it puts everyone else down it becomes narcissism.
I’ll be playing and rating your game, sorry someone decided to try to bully you.
And Zeromus, if you see this… you can’t change what you’ve done, but you can change what you will do. It’s okay to start small. Hold a door. And another. Help someone pick up something they dropped. Consciously consider. And if you can do that, you can be so much better than you currently are, and you’ll find not just a happier self, but the people around you will be much more friendly.