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I strongly disagree with the game on the definition of 'handsome'.

Is there a sorority for the alternative-fashion/rebels that hang out behind the school and smoke? lol

(I get why there is only one option, but I would LOVE to see a second path for this type sorority later someday.)

Kudos on the sleep-wear options. ^_^
I don't often see my option in games. 
(Which is nothing. lol)

Nice NSFW content. ^_^

I DO wish you could choose your own Major tho.
Cuz journalism is just...ugh.
(But maybe you can change it later?)

The stat-sheet is partly invisible and kinda hidden.
I would have loved to see a more visible version of that --maybe as a button you can use to check it.

At least my roommate is a libertine. That's always good. ^_^

....while I understand wanting her to clean up if she makes a mess...why is using the couch so bad? o_O
I don't get the mc at all....

Why are all your romance choices idiots with beards and/or suits? >_>
(Fitness instructor. Ugh.)

And if you reject the ONE choice for a random hookup, somehow you reject the possibility for any.
It doesn't make sense.

....oh, and a dork.
I'm guessing the guy is supposed to be cute, but he's kinda really....not.
....and you can't even choose not to talk to him >_>

I'd rather be alone and friendless than hang out with people I don't like. *sigh*

The only hot guy so far is an asian guy who's already in a relationship. lol

.....clearly I have too high standards for the sorority to like me. lol
(Like, I have zero morals when it comes to sleeping with whomever, but there just isn't a single interesting OR good-looking guy in this game.
...should just go back and change the gender choice to include whatever, since the roomate at least is interesting. lol)

I'd proboably have 3 of 4 items for that pledge in my dorm room. lol
Or at least 2, with alcohol being easy to get.
(And the only reason it's not 4 for 4 is because I'm too anti-social to know anyone who sells the last thing.)

The video-selection is pretty meek and mild tho.
Kinda surprised it's not at the very least BDSM in there.
(Bondage doesn't count.)

Ash isn't bad-looking.
In a kinda grunge-like way.

Blake is sorta cute.
(Although I admit that is 90% because he's an asian who likes books.)

As far as I can tell, choosing sexual preferance in this game does not change the gender of the various people in it (as often is the case) but only what you CAN do.
(Or rather; what you can't do.)

....a little bit pointless, in my opinion. But useful to know when you play the game.

If Ray would shave his face properly he would be pretty decent. this hazing supposed to be bad? *blinks* *blinks*
I'll admit I've only read about it (and some examples from that study died) but still...
It seemed pretty mild to me.

Tch. I wish there was a third option in some places.
Like the Never Have I Ever game where I have, in fact, done all the options.
Or the place where I don't really have a problem with the Delta leader's views, but I also don't like the ugly guy --and that's all the options.
An option to say nothing, or look for some other guy would be better.

Byron is boooooring......

...and why can't you just let them watch that video of you? oO
I mean... what's the big deal?
If you already agreed you cannot POSSIBLY be stupid enough to not expect something like this.

And I don't really get what the big deal is anyway.
It's pretty flattering, when you think about it.

(Also, for some reason, the game have Gia act as if she's the one who did it.
Might wanna fix that a bit. )

Derrek is kinda fun.
Vaguely reminds me of Tyler Durden from Fight Club. ^_^
He doesn't look great, but his personality might just make up for it.

I litterally do not understand anything Max says when he's geeking out. oO
If he'd been speaking latin or ancient summerian, I'd probably understand more.

I also admit I was surprised at how much NSFW content was in this game.
That may scare some people off, but it's also a big attraction for others.

You may wanna advertise that a bit more on the page, considering just how big part of the game it really is.


Overall I really enjoyed this game. It's really good.

It's well-written, and actually works with the style that is browser-based game. (Even IF I wish there was more save-slots. The re-loading of downloaded savefiles often fail to work in my experience.)

But I DO wish there was more guys that I consider hot here.
(Tho I realize that is a matter of taste.)

I don't expect Ronin from Killer Chat (my measurement of hotness may be fucked up), but could it at LEAST be some guy in a leather jacket that smokes and have an attitude problem and a motorbike? Please?

(And no beard! I really hate bodyhair of any kind, especially in the face. >_>)

Or a generalized emo guy?


I just want a hot boyfriend that fits -my- standards. 😭


Regardless of that I DO look forward to see more content when it comes out. 

I really did like this game. ^_^

Thanks for playing! Lots here to talk about. 

Having a choice between different sororities would kind of require making the game twice, so I don't see us adding that option. I do love rebellious bad girls though. There might be some characters like that eventually.

To most of the characters not being "hot" enough: yeah I actually kind of agree. We're planning on a portrait overhaul in the next release. I think they look better, hopefully you do too.

To be honest, we picked the MC's major a bit arbitrarily while developing the story concept. Making it open to choice would depend on whether I want to go back and do a bunch of rewriting, but I can't say it would never happen.

I'm happy you liked the game overall though. Stay tuned, development is slow but we're working on it.

That's why I asked "Eventually", as in: Maybe it could be a DCL content route after the original game is finished?
Like an expansion pack thing maybe. Or sequel.

How about rebellious bad-boys? ^_^
(I don't mind a hot and wicked girl, but by and large I tend to prefer guys. But personality DO play a big part. And I like villains.)

Please make the characters shave? lol ^_^;
(That's just my preference tho. But I really dislike facial hair.)

I look forward to see the next update tho.