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(1 edit) (+2)

Guys, if it will help to keep your interest and attention on this game I can help anyone that needs the password or passwords that I have unlocked. I mean if you are just interested in the story but have no time to invest into finding out what the passwords are, PM me.  This game is not for everyone, as not everyone likes solving puzzles, but many people I know, loved this game and story, just that were really stuck and could not find the passwords no matter what and in the end they would just abandon this great VN.

Do you know how many passwords are currently in the game? I'd like to crack them myself, but knowing how many there are would help a lot. 

10 i believe, mite be a few more that are just easter eggs, that can be entered into the vault before day 6 but im not certain.

(3 edits)

Exactly, the game does have easter eggs, but according to the actual storyline, I would say that there is 1 password for each character that you wish to save, so we have 1 for Benson, Ty, Dean etc.....


You need to find 2 passwords in order to save Benson, remember that saving Benson is the key of being able to move forward in some of the currently avaible routes, such like Ty's and Dean's. The first password will allow certain conversations to take place, where a keyword will be repeated, that's the one that will allow you to save Benson. 

Again... you don't actually need all of the passwords. Just focus on the character whose route want to play. Like Ty.... YES I FUCKING LOVE TY LOL.

Deleted 4 years ago

I'm really not used to using You can... Pm on Facebook, my user is Aion Roxas, my profile pic is an image of the Milky Way

Deleted 4 years ago

Sorry I don't have any Pm on facebook

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

Let me check it :D

Hi, I've PMed you too! :)

Can you please tell me how to obtain Bensons passwords? I think I found one but it's most likely not it.(a gun)

Sure, Pm in or leave me a message at my facebook "Aion Roxas"

Could you answer something for me? I played Orlando's route and got the password during his bad end on day 7. When I went back and entered it, I still got the bad end. Is there a different password I need?

Uh...well the thing is that first you need to prevent your Route option from Dying, then you HAVE TO save Benson in order for the real route to continue. Not all of the routes are currently long, I think the ones where you can advance the most are Ty's and Dean's.

a0.18, which comes out in 4 days, will have Dean and Tyson updates. 

Otherwise every route terminates on Day 9.


Could you please give me a clue for the Password on Day 10?

Im playing Dean route if it's important.